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New Dutch insurance law
Starting in January 2006, a new health insurance system will be introduced in the Netherlands. But many of TU Delft's foreign students are wondering how this new law applies to them.
Nadera Alsarras
As of 1 January 2006, all Dutch citizens must pay 1,100 euro per year for basic national insurance. Under this new law, all citizens were legally required to fill in a <@normaal cursief>Zorgtoeslag form, stating their yearly incomes and expenses, and submit this form to the tax authorities before 1 November 2005.
  People with low incomes are entitled to compensation of up to 425 euro per year. Most Dutch students have already submitted this form. In general, foreign student are not entitled to receive any compensation from the Dutch government; however, the Immigration & Naturalization Department (IND) still isn't sure how this new insurance law applies to foreign students.
  For those people who have missed the 1 November submission deadline, <@normaal cursief>Zorgtoeslag forms can be sent in late. But how does this new Dutch insurance law apply to foreign students?
  According to the VSSD, foreign students are divided into four categories. The first category is foreign students who have part-time jobs; they must pay the basic national insurance policy cost of 1,100 euro per year and are eligible for insurance compensation.
  The second category is foreign students under 30 years of age who do not have jobs; they are advised to have IPS or AON insurance policies, which are cheapest insurance policies.
  The third category is foreign students insured from their own countries, such as via the European Health Insurance card. They remain covered by their own insurance policies, but if they begin working in the Netherlands, they must pay the 1,100 euro per year for basic national insurance coverage.
  The fourth category is foreign students older than 30 years old; they must pay the 1,100 euro basic national insurance fee and are entitled to compensation.
  More information is available on the websites listed below; however, these sites are in Dutch only. The TU Delft information desk for foreign students advised me to take out an IPS insurance policy; however, they were unable to tell me if the new Dutch insurance law also applies to people insured by IPS. One does wonder where foreign students can get the correct information about this important issue, if not from their own university?


mandyshao  四海霸王  2005-11-7 22:01:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: New Dutch insurance law

想死哦~~~有个part-time job就要付这么贵的保险啊!保险有什么用啊,从来不去看医生的
下乡知青  中级海盗  2005-11-7 23:27:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: New Dutch insurance law

Vampire004  ↗贵宾↗  2005-11-8 03:00:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: New Dutch insurance law

是不是因为这样,所以今年的续ID信没有要保险? 怎么说变就变的? 打工来的钱都拿来交保险了?
kekefeng  中级海盗  2005-11-8 03:02:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: New Dutch insurance law

Post by mandy&shao
想死哦~~~有个part-time job就要付这么贵的保险啊!保险有什么用啊,从来不去看医生的


马甲的马甲的马甲  四海霸王  2005-11-8 09:18:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: New Dutch insurance law

As the fact that Dutch government is only able to decide the amount of insurance payment at the end of this year, so far there is yet no clear decision-making for people as Chinese students, no matter IPS or other insurance companies. The policy has been in discussing for months. However, possibly, Chinese students will be obligated to have the insurance policy as same as other citizens, say, around 1100euro/year. A bad news.

The one thing can be now sure is that Chinese students in the Netherlands are NOT entitled to any compensation from Dutch government or Dutch taxation bureau. The reason is that you'd never paid tax. Another bad news.

Please don't think this fact as any discrimination. Hope we are lucky.

BTW, the link mentioned by LS is not fully suitable to us:

6.5 Vanaf 18 jaar, zonder aanvullende beurs, met baan van €390 per maand, verzekerd via ziekenfonds >>>> students, 18+, without fully scholarship, with a job of 390euro/month, whom has ziekenfonds insurance.

The most important is that this policy is to Dutch citizens.
kekefeng  中级海盗  2005-11-8 16:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: New Dutch insurance law

Chappie  中级海盗  2005-11-9 00:57:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: New Dutch insurance law

Simply said...
EVERYONE has to PAY 1100 EURO a year! (Recently there is a war coming up between the insurance company so it will be cheaper).

I strongly advise you to find a good/cheap insurance. Dont count on the Compensation / Zorgtoeslag. Because its only for dutch people and not for foreigners. Even you have a part-time job, ONLY people with LEGAL part-time jobs and full-time can ask for a comepensation, or permanment staying permit, dutch nationality etc.

Just forget it, better start lookin for a cheap insurance because its wont be more expensive then the non-IPS or other things.

About the scholarship... there is a rule... if you dont get your degree on time you have to pay it back with interest! you have only 4 years to ask scholarship, after the 4 years its a loan! The fully scholarship is only if you are living with your parents (its normal to live with your parents not like in china... livin in dorms), I have only 70 euro scholarship.

Anyway its very complicated but its not as good as you think... We pay tax a lot! So we are too greedy to share our tax :P (Dutch people is famous for their greediness :P)

But the OV-card it is sure discrimination :P
马甲的马甲的马甲  四海霸王  2005-11-9 09:19:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: New Dutch insurance law

Post by kekefeng

其实问题很简单. 所谓的保险补助zorgtoeslag是退税的一种形式. 在荷兰除了象国内的最低生活保障以外绝大多数的补助都是以退税形式出现的. 强调一点, 退回的税绝不可能多于一个人上的税, 这道理你能明白, 中国话叫羊毛出在羊身上.

关于打工的同学, 请注意一个严肃问题, 学生打任何工都是要申请工作许可的, 每周允许的合法的工作时间只有十几个小时, 即便老板给你报税了, 又能上多少税? 合法打学生工的收入远远低于上税标准, 是能100%退回来的, 只是看你有没有申请退税. 如果有人打工报税超出了允许的范围还要去申请退税, 是不是有点自投罗网的感觉? 这就是说, 无论打工与否, 中国留学生(这里还要强调学生二字, 不含带薪博士生)没给荷兰政府贡献一分税金, 自然任何退税和补助的可能性也就无从谈起.

同理, 对LS从OV-Card谈到Discrimination的观点不敢苟同. 荷兰政府对未成年人的所有补助(免费交通, 婴儿补助, 儿童补助, 托儿费补助, 16岁前的义务教育, 等等)都是给其父母变相的退税. 在这一点上, 歧视根本无从谈起.
cyzh  高级海盗  2005-11-9 14:11:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: New Dutch insurance law

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