Hi guys!
I'm desperately looking for Asian women to take part in my masters study on the interactions between Images & Odours. It's on the Uithof in the Langeveld building, it will take about 30 minutes, and you'll get €5 for taking part!
The study is really simple - you look at some pictures on a computer screen, answer a yes-or-no question by clicking on the keyboard, and then rate the images and odours (smells) that you just saw/smelled by clicking on a line with the computer-mouse.
You DO NOT have to identify anything with words or write anything down!
The study is only running until THIS FRIDAY, and I need at least 9 more people to take part, so please please please get in contact with me if you're interested or know someone who fits the criteria:
-You can be from anywhere in Asia - India, China, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Japan, Singapore, Laos, Nepal, Burma, etc. It's preferable if you grew up there, but I'm also accepting people of Asian ethnicity who have grown up outside of Asia.
-You need to be female to take part, and you can't be pregnant.
-You also shouldn't have any sort of respiratory ailment - blocked nose, hay fever, cold, cough / chest infection.
If you have to travel to the Uithof specially for the test (ie. you don't live / study here) then I may be able to give you an extra few euros in travel compensation.
Please send me an e-mail at M.C.Breckenridge@uu.nl to make an appointment!
Thank you so much! |