Try to remember some.....
- New year's day (01 Jan);
- Two days some time in April: Eastern (pasen), 16-17 April for 2006 for example. Don't ask me how it is determined, i don't read in Jewish calendar;
- Christmas (25-26 December), if you work in a company, you might only have a few days holiday. But usually students get two weeks holiday from 25 december until the first week of the next new year;
- 30 April: queen's day;
- 4 May: Memory day of WWII, in dutch "herdenkingsdag";
- 5 May: libration day, in dutch "bevrijdingsdag";
- late in May: Ascension Day, in dutch "de hemelvaart", a christian holiday to celebrate jesus goes to heaven (remember the eastern? that's the time jesus was put on the cross, die and reborned, after many many weeks, finally jesus was able to go to the heaven)
- 4-5 June: Whit Sunday (Christian holy ghost day, in dutch they call it "Pinsteren");
Another important festival is the sintklaas, which is the dutch version santa clause (the christmas grandpa). it is on 5 December. There is no public holiday about it but usually companies and universities takes half day off.
There could be some more that I missed. da jia bu chong ba! |