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只是买房 房屋产权的转移公证 无需贷款公证 给出的价格是这样 大家觉得合理么
Notarial fee for transfer € 450,00

Costs inquiries € 60,00

VAT € 107,10

Land Registers’ Office € 168,00


Total costs € 785,10

If you don’t speak or read the Dutch language good enough to understand the contents of

both deeds, an interpreter will have to be present at the signing. This is obliged by law. In

that case additional costs with a minimum of € 302,50 (depending on availability and of our

regular English interpreter) will be charged to you. These are the costs for an English

interpreter. The costs for an interpreter in another language are higher and can amount to

€ 544,50.

If you arrange an interpreter, the extra costs of signing the deeds in the presence of the

interpreter will be € 121,00. It must be a certified interpreter. We need the evidence of this

before signing the deeds.
关于这个 有两个问题
1 是否一定要中文翻译 英文翻译可以么?
2 他们自己提供的翻译感觉报价贵了一些,可是自己找,貌似要交121的手续费,这加起来也是四百左右,是否合算呢。谢谢


xiaohonglin  四海霸王  2014-3-31 17:12:07 来自手机  | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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