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悠长暑假快要结束了,一切日常工作又要恢复正常,也意味着又有一批博士位置又要放出。这批博士位置主要来自于今年的77个vidi grant,和四个NWO-Spinoza Prize。以及将要放出的25个Vici grant。对于明年毕业的PhD,如果想继续留荷,又苦于无钱,那么不妨试试明年的Veni (appro 80)。

Vidi 最高为600000euro,可供一个PhD(4年)和/或一个PostDoc两到三年
Vici 最高为1250000euro,Spinoza Prize 为1500000euro,均可支持两个以上PhD和/或PostDoc。
Veni最高为200000euro,只针对刚毕业的PhD,可供三年postdoc research之用

对于找博士位置的同志可去: http://www.onderzoekinformatie.nl/en/oi/nod/onderzoekers/subsidies/
查看具体情况,这里已经给出了grant的获得者,以及project abstract,以及联系方法。因为这里列出的获得者均是直接申请者和项目负责人,也是最直接的联系人和将要面试你的人,还是最终拍板者!而且现在大多数位置还没有公布!!!暑假工作的crazyguy除外)。要申请的应该赶早,等到transfer上贴出来。。。哈哈。。。


The NWO-Spinoza prize is the highest honour in science in the Netherlands. Each researcher receives 1,5 million euros, to be spent on research as desired.

The Vici grant aims at the senior researcher who already demonstrated to be able to develop an innovative research line and to act succesfully as a coach for young researchers. The programme gives the researcher the oppportunity to build his own research group, anticipating on a permanent professorship. The research line is structurally embedded within the research institute. The subsidy amounts to a maximum of 1,250,000 euros.

The NWO pays almost seventy percent of each subsidy. The university or institute pays more than thirty percent. Altogeteher it is 33,75 milion euros.

The Vidi grant aims at the researcher who after having obtained his or her PhD already has conducted research for several years on a post-doc level and who has shown to be able to generate innovative ideas and independently and succesfully develops them. Researchers are given the opportunity to develop their own innovative research line and to appoint one or more researchers. The grant amounts to a maximum of 600,000 euros.

The Veni grant offers researchers who have only recently completed their doctorates the opportunity to develop their ideas during three years. The maximum amount of grant will be  200,000.



xixiyang  ↗GGD爱心大使↗  2005-8-12 10:30:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 又是蜜桃成熟时

vaio  高级海盗  2005-8-12 11:42:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 又是蜜桃成熟时

我就是vidi, xixiyang赶快写下大学回忆录
diesel  高级海盗  2005-8-12 15:04:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 又是蜜桃成熟时

除了这些比较大的grant,还有一些大学自己的fund (一般仅提供一个PhD4年费用,其实就是最狭义的AIO的资金来源)也将陆续放出来了。
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