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U kunt gebruikmaken van de 30%-regeling, als u een specifieke deskundigheid hebt die niet of nauwelijks is te vinden op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt. U hebt die deskundigheid, als uw salaris in Nederland minimaal € 35.770 is (in 2012: € 35.000), exclusief de vrije vergoeding.
U bent jonger dan 30 jaar en hebt een mastertitel
Bent u jonger dan 30 jaar en hebt u een mastertitel? Dan kunt u gebruikmaken van de 30%-regeling, als uw salaris in Nederland minimaal € 27.190 is (in 2012: € 26.605), exclusief de vrije vergoeding.

A minimum salary requirement of € 35,000 per year (excluding the 30% allowance) is introduced (the original proposals mentioned a higher required salary). This means that the required gross salary will be € 50,000. Scientists and researchers working at universities and knowledge organizations will be exempted from the salary requirement. For young masters below the age of 30 the salary requirement is € 26,605 (with a required gross salary including 30% allowance of € 38,008).

我的情况是30岁以下,gross salary大于€ 38,008但不到€ 50,000,本科学历。
之前看ggd战友的帖子以为自己还满足要求 http://bbs.gogodutch.com/thread-633061-1-1.html



amy57j  ↗总版主↗  2013-7-24 20:17:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
我记得我以前回答过你。30% ruling里有这句话:
If you change job you can reapply for the ruling, provided that you still meet the conditions and your new employment contract is signed within three months after termination of the previous. If you are benefitting from a 30 percent ruling that was issued before 1 January 2012, several special transfer rules apply when you find new employment. Especially people who do not qualify under the new legislation can meet certain grey areas in the law.

里面提到several special transfer rules apply,还有提到certain grey areas,所以你应该还是可以符合条件的。
NHunter  见习海盗  2013-7-25 08:02:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
amy57j 发表于 2013-7-24 20:17
我记得我以前回答过你。30% ruling里有这句话:
If you change job you can reapply for the ruling, provi ...

amy57j  ↗总版主↗  2013-7-25 19:35:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
NHunter 发表于 2013-7-25 09:02
是的,之前是在版主你的30%ruling的帖子中提问了一下在荷兰跳槽时30%ruling是否还能适用,这个已经确认了 ...


Especially people who do not qualify under the new legislation can meet certain grey areas in the law.

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