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本帖最后由 who 于 2013-3-30 01:47 编辑

The Power of Personal Integrity- quote from "Straight Talk" - George Zalucki

If a person of integrity possesses the qualities of goodness, honorableness, morality, rightousness, and virtue, then what would a person who lacks integrity by defined as? Simply, one who lacks these qualities!

Genuine integrity never implies, nor does it accept compromise. Its only judge is the highest standard of truthfulness in all matters. Integrity is not compromised by the guise of situational ethics. No, it stands for what is right, regardless of gain of loss.

It never looks back to think what might have been gained had standards been compromised. Feeling remorse for the person of integrity is saved for the few things he/she might have succumbed to lowering the bar for some personal gain. And, the remorse is deep and heartfelt because a person of integrity is aware that he/she traded a part of their character for a "piece of silver". Their remorse is haunting because their awareness is high, which in turn serves to strengthen one's resolve to never fall again.

Integrity is never boastful because it is aware of its own fragile nature. It strives to become pervasive in the consciousness of people desiring to live a life of honesty and genuine commitment to what is right.

Integrity demands constant vigilance against the many deceptive lures that promise one personal or financial gain through means is a disguised time bomb of self-imposed destruction, demanding eventual retribution. In retrospect, the undeserved glory or benefit of the gain will pale in comparison to the real price you will repay then to trade, for ill-gotten gain, the essence of your character, your innate potential for goodness, and your serenity of mind and spirit.

The "pillow" is hard for the person who lacks integrity. It is soft and comfortable for the one who possesses it. Sleep is restless for the person who lacks integrity and oh so peaceful for that person who maintains his integrity. Psychological repression of guilt is ever present in the person who lacks integrity, but not at all persent in the person who posseses it. And, if one is no longer bothered by their misdees done to others or by dishonesty in their business deallings, then that person is unwittingly paying the biggest price of all --- they must be constantly running from themselves, always watching for new quick fixes and new victims to prey upon. They are living in the quagmire of self-deception and self imposed ignorance, which alwasy must come face-to-face with those moral laws that demand evertual retribution. There is no escape, only a "stay of execution".

Man is not always immediately punished "for"his misdeeds, but you can count o the fact that he will always be punished "by"his misdeeds. Justice is often a very insidious paymaster. She is not always quick to act, but in some fashion or another, she will always act, but in her own time and way.

A wise person will always place personal integrity at the top of the list of desired virtues for she alone is the custodian of all other virtues.

Personal integrity is your power-base to build all other honorable character traits upon; those traits that build true champions! Personal integrity will prove to be teh best friend you'll ever have as you go through life. She will allow you to stand tall in adversity, and humble in victory. Remember this-- we grew the character we possess today, one thought, one emotion, and one behavior at a time. The nature and content of each thought, emotion, and behavior, over time, has fashioned the person we are right now. To become better, we must think, choose, and behave better.

Know this! We can each build a new and better character but only with one correct moral decision at a time. I promise you that you will never regret traveling through life with personal integrity at the helm.

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who  海贼王  2013-3-30 00:24:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
这是一篇很有价值的文章, 希望大家喜欢。我想现在在研读这本书。
who  海贼王  2013-3-31 06:59:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
本帖最后由 who 于 2013-3-31 19:19 编辑

Last night I an email to Goerge Zalucki, sharing with him my experience.
lemoncenir  海贼王  2013-3-31 16:46:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国广东广州
who  海贼王  2013-3-31 23:18:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
lemoncenir 发表于 2013-3-31 17:46

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