本帖最后由 寒山秋水 于 2013-1-30 12:17 编辑
地點:代爾夫特理工大學文化中心(TU/Delft, Culture Center)
Mekelweg 8, 2628CD, Delft
演奏者:孫宇涵 孫宇涵,浙江大學學士,阿姆斯特丹大學碩士,自幼學習鋼琴,研習古琴亦已多年,所彈奏曲目包括新浙派、廣陵派、梅庵派、蜀派和管派,琴風或流美澹宕或嚴謹規整。11年全國大學生古琴音樂會上因一曲《高山流水》而聞名,而後在高校間出刊《清鳴集》300余冊。12年7月起開始在荷蘭業餘授琴,從學者十數人,多為在校學生。 The soloist Yuhan Sun, a bachelor from a top Chinese university, Zhejiang University, a master from Universiteit van Amsterdam, is an accomplished qin soloist. He learned the piano when he was a child,and has learned the qin also for long. His repertoire is extensive,covering the entire repertoire of the Neo-Zhe School, and some classical pieces of Guangling School, Meian School, Shu School and Guan School. His qin playing is passionate but sober, free but precise. Apart from his excellent technique, he pays more attention continuously to Chinese classical literature,which has the closest connection with qin in qin's history.He has been well-known among Chinese university qin societies since the 4thNational Qin Concert by University Students, on which he played the magnificent piece of qin music called The Colossal Mountainsand Flowing Rivers, andaround one month after the concert, he published a book on qin among Chinese universities. Now, on every weekend, he teaches a group of qin students in the Netherlands.
節目單 1.碣石調幽蘭 2.梅花三弄 3.高山流水 4.長門怨 (中場休息) 5.陽關三疊 6.歸去來兮辭 7.普庵咒 8.欸乃 The program 1. The Orchid 2. Three Overtone-Variations on Plum Flowers 3. The Colossal Mountains and Flowing Rivers 4. A Sad Poem By A Queen from Han Dynasty Pause 5. A Farewell Poetical Song With a Thrice Repeated Refrain 6. Free Verse on Going Back from Officialdom to Countryside 7. A Curse Imparted By Buddhist Pu An 8. Ao Ai-Fishermen’s Song
演出約持續一個半小時。結束后,也在TU/Delft的文化中心,咖啡館里將有一個自由的聚會。 本次演出不收門票,我們歡迎觀眾贊助我們的琴社,多寡不計,以助購琴及琴社日常研究活動之用。如捐相關珍貴藏書,亦不勝感激。 The concert will last for around 1 hour and a half. After the concert, there will be a free party also in the culture center of TU/Delft, but the drink and food (in a cafe of the culture center) will not be free. The entrance is free, and some amount of money that the guest would like to contribute to my qin purchase or our qin society is welcome and well appreciated.