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Madelein asks Bush the first question

Madelein Hofmijster was one of fifteen students invited for a round table discussion with American president George Bush in Limburg several weeks ago. `I've only just realized what happened,' she says. Normally, Hofmijster is a student of Industrial Engineering and Management Science, but this year she is the chairman of the Dutch National Student Association (ISO). `After the debate, I saw Putin shake Bush's hand on television. I thought, gee, I did that too!'

Why did they ask you?

`The students had all been invited by the American embassy in the Netherlands. I had been there on ISO business and apparently they remembered me. By the way, I wasn't invited as the ISO chairman, but as a student. I was very surprised. Why? Why me? What do you want me to do? Fortunately, we were briefed in advance. They told us we could ask anything we wanted; we didn't have to submit our questions in advance.'

Was it a long debate?

`The first ten minutes were with the press, after that we continued for another half an hour without them. Since Balkenende, who acted as moderator, called upon me first, my question was broadcast everywhere. Suddenly you have a CNN News cameraman breathing down your neck, reminding you that the world is watching. I asked Bush if there will be a time when he will retract the extensive anti-terrorism measures introduced after September 11, such as the Patriot Act. I got a very long-winded reply on the changed climate in America and on how civil rights are not affected by the measures. By the way, I later read in the L.A. Times that they thought our questions were very critical. That couldn't have happened in the States.'

What did you think of Bush?

`He tried very hard not to talk about anything besides democracy. He was completely convinced of his ideology. That still worries me. I wonder if he will keep things in perspective, or if his ideology has to prevail at any cost?'

Trans. Jeroen Latour
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