皮子酱 发表于 2012-6-3 06:26
如果你自己没有直接跟学校联系过,建议你现在就直接跟学校联系吧, 身边刚刚遇到的例子就是结果一直拖着出 ...
递资料前我是没有和学校联系 但后来一直没出来 我就问了中介studentlink的账户密码 然后和学校联系了 校方也一直就说等等等
We are currently processing your data. You will receive a message when this is done, and when your application is approved. You should hear more about it one of these days, and hopefully before the 1st of June.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards,
这是学校29号回的邮件 也不好一直催吧