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we need a student who is able and willing to work inbetween 5 and 10 days to put all our templates/standard presentations into ournew housestyle.The work will start the beginning of July, exact date is notclear yet. The length of the job depends on the amount of documents everyonewants to have changed. Does anyone know someone who would like to help us out (for money, yes) & has a working permit? If so, please let Monique know, Thanks!
Brigitte Bonekamp
Financial Administrative Team
file:///c:/users/guod000/appdata/local/temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image001.jpgUTZ CERTIFIEDGood Inside:certification & traceability of sustainable agricultural commodities

* De Ruyterkade 6 | 1013 AA Amsterdam | ( + 31 20 530 8000 |  7 +31 20 530 8099 | * brigitte.bonekamp@utzcertified.org | : www.utzcertified.org  
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