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Dear All,

As you may know, 5th May is one of the most important events of Wagenignen. For those who are new in Wageningen and don’t want to miss any important things (highlighted with red color), I have collected some information for you as below:

Programme 5th of May

00.00 – 01.30
Fire of Liberation Relay
09.30 – 12.30
Morning Symposium
14.00 – 16.00
Commemoration Gathering
11.00 – 16.00
Programme ‘The Dreijen’
16.00 – 16.15
Commemoration Ceremony at the 5 May Square
Lighting of the Fire of Liberation at the Market
13.00 – 24.00
Festival of the Liberation (Music)
16.00 – 16.15
Commemoration Ceremony at the 5 May Square
16.15 – 17.30
March Past of Freedom (Parade)

Fire of Liberation Relay
The fire will be lit at 00.00 at 5 May Square by Mayor Mr. G. van Rumund.
The fire of liberation relay exists more than 60 years. Many sportsmen and women come to Wageningen from all over the country. From Wageningen, they go back to where they live with the fire of liberation.

The fire is a special symbol for Freedom and Identity and this is a unique way to spread the message throughout the Netherlands.            

Morning Symposium
The annual morning symposium from the National Committee Commemoration Capitulations 1945 (in Dutch: NCHC) starts at 10.00 to 12.30. The theme this year is: ‘Freedom Worldwide’. The symposium is a closed event. For attendance information, go to www.nchc.nl.

Commemoration Gathering
The commemoration Gathering is in the Johannes de Doperkerk. During this commemoration, there will also be the Capitulation concert.

Program ‘De Dreijen’
The program ‘De Dreijen’ is on the grounds of the University in Wageningen and starts at 10.00. There is a static-show with historical vehicles, a parachute landing and performances from several bands.  There are also stands from different foundations and museums and as a special treat, a replica of the Battleship Missouri, on which the capitulation from Japan was signed in 1945. Another part of this program are the many demonstrations and also a film programme.

Commemoration Ceremony at the 5 May Square
This impressive ceremony is at the 5 May Square, organized by the NCHC 1945 Wageningen. During this ceremony schoolchildren will present ambassadors from the allied countries the flag, who will then place the flag in a flag stand. The ceremony will come to an end when 25 white pigeons are released, as a symbol for peace and freedom.

Festival of the Liberation (12:00-24:00)
The opening for the Festival of the Liberation will take place at the Market from 12.00 – 13.00. Not only with the fire be lit in Wageningen, but also at the other 13 Festivals of the Liberation in the Netherlands.

The Festival of the Liberation is a nationally known festival. The festival is in the city centre of Wageningen. There are many different stages, each with it’s own type of music. There is everything from rock to dance to hiphop. The festival is not only for the youth but also for everybody older and younger than that.

March Past of Freedom (Prade)
The March Past of Freedom is a very important part of what makes Wageningen such a special city in the Netherlands. The theme this year is ‘Freedom Worldwide’ and veterans from the Second World War and Indonesia, that have something to do with this theme, get the chance to walk in the March Past. This year, there are about 1000 veterans, 60 historical vehicles and 10 different bands.

The route that the March Past takes, has been changed since last year. The new route is now:

Generaal Foulkesweg - 5 Mei Plein - Stationstraat - De Stadsbrink – Ritzema Bosweg.

For more information about May 5th 2012 in Wageningen, please check: http://4en5meiwageningen.nl/index.php?id=424

Please feel free to forward to your friends. It will be more fun to go with a group : )

Enjoy your May 5th 2012 in Wageningen : )

Kind regards,
Wei Qin
May 4th 2012 in Wageningen

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大号果丹皮  中级海盗  2012-5-4 14:01:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
WeiQin覃伟  中级海盗  2012-5-4 14:15:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
紫水晶lq  四海霸王  2012-5-4 18:10:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
lokipopo  见习海盗  2012-5-4 19:52:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
anan小丫头  四海霸王  2012-5-5 14:15:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
cathymaggie  中级海盗  2012-5-7 06:39:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
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