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本帖最后由 xingui135 于 2012-4-12 21:01 编辑

Internship Opportunity (Groningen)

具体信息如下,有兴趣的可直接发邮件到下方e-mail地址(Please write an English e-mail), 实习期间有一定的报酬,非常适合商科H类大三需要实习的同学,很不错的实习机会,非中国人的公司,实习期间可以学到很多实用的技能

Company: Caer Boardsports

Address: Veemarktstraat 97   9724 GC Groningen

E-mail: carl@caerboardsports.nl

Starting date and duration: from 1, August 2012. Always be required 5-6 month.

Company website: http://www.caerboardsports.nl/

CaerBoardsports is a shop that mainly sells board sports equipment, such as longboards,snowboards, wakeboards, surfboards, etc.
We now have space for a trainee in finance or administration for the period ofat least 5 months. Our company has international contacts, both customers andsuppliers, so your English should be fluent in speaking and writing.

Major in business education(administration/marketing/finance/management)·
Able to start As Soon As Possible·
Fluent in English·
Computer Skills·
Basic Dutch language skills ispreferred

Administrative tasks·
Support / implement mail campaigns·
Website maintenance &development·
Sales support·
Investigate new business area's


apple001  见习海盗  2012-4-12 02:36:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国
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