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本帖最后由 傻大木s 于 2012-3-22 09:22 编辑


想问问大家,如果她和他办partner(注册伴侣), 分别需要哪些材料呢?? 需要怎么操作呢??



noter  高级海盗  2012-3-22 11:15:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
alicezhangna  中级海盗  2012-3-22 12:43:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
女生: GBA (地址需要跟男生的在一起)
     未婚声明的公证和认证(有人说必须在中国办,也有人说可以在这边办, 本人以前是在这边办的 也是okay的,)
男生: GBA, 工作合同, 最近三个月的薪水单,

打电话给ind 预约时间, 然后让ind给寄一份表格, 其实也可以自己下载的。 表格里有一份资料是要男生的雇主填的。
傻大木s  见习海盗  2012-3-22 14:47:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国重庆
回复 alicezhangna 的帖子

只要一个单身未婚的双认证   是这样不??

alicezhangna  中级海盗  2012-3-22 15:22:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
回复 傻大木s 的帖子

我记得我2011年初是只在这边大使馆申请了一个未婚声明,然后找荷兰外交部认可的翻译机构翻译,然后去外交部认证。  你打电话去ind, 会告诉你你所需要的一切材料。。
傻大木s  见习海盗  2012-3-22 15:56:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国重庆
回复 alicezhangna 的帖子

傻大木s  见习海盗  2012-3-24 13:40:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国重庆
celiasky  海贼王  2012-3-24 16:38:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
You are married to someone or you have a registered partnership with
someone (the sponsor) who lives in the Netherlands (320, 324, 340, 344)
Your application must be accompanied by the following supplementary evidence
and documents:
– Proof of your sponsor’s income, see Appendix ‘Proof of Income’;
– An original extract (not a copy) from the Municipal Administration (GBA)
showing your sponsor’s home address and the composition of your
sponsor’s family. This extract may not be older than 6 months;
– Copies of all the pages containing the identification details of your sponsor’s
Dutch passport or identity card. Also make copies of the pages containing
travel stamps. If your sponsor does not have Dutch nationality, please make
copies of the front and back of the Dutch residence permit or of the pages
containing the identification details of the valid border-crossing document
(e.g. a passport) in which the residence permit has been recorded. Also make
copies of the pages containing travel stamps and the residence permit. It is
not necessary to copy empty pages.

If it concerns a registered partnership, you must also enclose the following:
– A copy of the certificate of registered partnership.
If the sponsor has a temporary asylum residence permit and if you have a different
nationality from the sponsor, and the application has been submitted three months after the
asylum residence permit has been granted to the sponsor, please also submit the following:
– Evidence showing that the family life cannot be led in a third country with
which you or the sponsor have special ties. For example proof that you or
the sponsor will not be admitted to that country. In that case, you do not
have to send along any proof of the income of the sponsor.
傻大木s  见习海盗  2012-3-25 12:21:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国重庆
回复 celiasky 的帖子

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