目前我想申请RSM的Finance and Investment~5月截止,现在快3月了。。感觉有点晚了。。不知道还来得及否~
还有就是,当时不清楚情况~不知道要考GMAT(略2,莫喷)~现在手里只有雅思6.5(有5.5单科的)~master肯定不行~但是有没有希望去读RSM的pre~如果一点希望都没。。希望各位大大帮我断了这个念头~因为我去RSM官网发邮件问了,他说:we only admit students with a bachelor grade from a Dutch university of applied science,其次就是Your HBO programme should be a programme that is related to Business Administration 是不是真的没有希望~
Applicants who have a university degree from a Dutch university of applied science (hbo) must first complete a pre-master year before they are eligible for admission (see www.rsm.nl/premaster for more details). Applicants from universities of applied science outside the Netherlands (e.g. fachhochschulen) are not eligible for admission. 这是他官网上的原话呀 呵呵 冒失不收国际学生的pre 呀