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打开几个荷兰有名公司的网站,比如说Deloitte 和 AEGON发现到了career这一项的时候都是荷兰语的介绍,莫非只有会荷兰语了才能开始写网申投简历么。。


jane05  初上贼船  2012-1-31 16:34:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
A lot of Dutch companies are looking for people who speaking more than one language. But Dutch is most of the time required!

Do you have een workpermit? If so, may be i can help you.
liyongqj  中级海盗  2012-1-31 23:46:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
回复 jane05 的帖子

Could you help someone with "zoekjaar" ID which does not require work permit?
jane05  初上贼船  2012-2-1 10:25:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
The zoekjaar is special arrangement for foreign graduates. The purpose is to give foreign students the opportunity to work as a expat. There is a certain requirment for the level of wages. Besides, the employer has to be registered by the IND as being entitled to hire expats and the emplyer must apply a workpermit for you. Therefore we can not help you because we do not apply workpermits for ours emplyees. Goodluck.

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