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A Dutch ICT company SysInteq is seeking someone with English and Chinese language skill and technical or computer science background. This person supposes to take the responsibility for a wide frame of technical details within SysInteg. He/she needs to lead the implementation and installation onsite of hardware and software (sip phones, LAN, routers switches, hosted desktop etc.), and do trouble shooting if there are any problems.

Next to that, this candidate shall be able to communicate both with Chinese companies and Dutch colleagues to arrange needed solutions and establish contact.
The job can be done part-time, but will be extended to full-time in the near future.
SysInteq is looking forward to getting contact with people who are willing to work in this young and dynamic organization.

Contact person: Bartel Verkruijssen
Email-adr: bartel.verkruijssen@sysinteq.com
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