本帖最后由 Olina 于 2011-12-15 14:19 编辑
今天查IND网站,发现他们公布了2012KM 工资标准。 发给大家参考。http://english.ind.nl/nieuws/2011/as-of-1-january-2012-new-income-requirements-highly-skilled-migrants-and-highly-educated-migrants.aspx?cp=111&cs=385
As of 1 January 2012 new income requirements highly skilled migrants and highly educated migrants
The income requirements have been revised effective as of 1 January 2012:
Highly skilled migrants from the age of 30 | € 51.239,- | Highly skilled migrants younger than 30 | € 37.575,- | Persons who have graduated in the Netherlands
and the Highly Educated Migrants Scheme | € 26.931,- | If the application for a Regular Provisional Residence Permit has been submitted before 1 January 2012, the income requirements of 2011 will still apply to applications for a residence permit submitted after 1 January 2012.
Employees who wish to come to work as Highly Skilled Migrants in the Netherlands are required to earn a certain minimum gross annual income. This gross annual income is referred to as the income requirement. Employees who perform scientific research or who are doctors in training to become specialists are not required to satisfy this requirement. Such employees have to satisfy the provisions of the Minimum Wage Act. These requirements can be found at www.ind.nl.
Effective as of 1 January, the income requirement for Highly Skilled Migrants will be reviewed annually by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment on the basis of the most recent index figure for Collective Labour Agreement wages, published by Netherlands Statistics.