This statement must meet the following requirements:
The amount shown in your account must at least 800 Euro for each month of stay (thus if you will stay for 12 months you must have funds of at least approx 10,000 euro). Local currency must be stated. If the statement shows less than this amount, please transfer the extra funds to meet the minimum amount required to our bank account in the way mentioned in option 1.
Funds must be readily available (i.e. not in the form of shares or investments)
An original document (not a copy or scan) is required
The statement must be issued in English and printed on letter head paper
It must be less than 3 months old (the date of issue must be clearly shown)
It should mention the bank's contact address and phone number
It should mention a contact person (preferably someone who speaks English)
The account must be in YOUR namePlease note: Due to immigration policy, a statement in the name of family members or other relatives or friends cannot be accepted. They can of course transfer their supportive funds to your account, after which you can submit a bank statement in your name.
The account number must be specified
For Chinese students: Certificates of Deposit are not accepted by the Dutch Immigration Department
我疑惑的就是最后一条,For Chinese students:Certificates of Deposit are not accepted by the Dutch Immigration Department。 这个指的是中国学生不能通过银行来开具财产证明吗?不知大有没有办理过的同学指点一下迷津哈~应该如何去办理这个财产证明!