小弟刚刚拿到MVV(type D),由于我有亲戚在法国,所以我希望在第一次入境荷兰之前前往法国。
“您应该直接飞往荷兰。如果您不是直飞荷兰,您可以在另一个申根国家转机。在抵达荷兰后,您需要在IND申请居留许可(见上)。在等待您的居留许可期间,您也可以去申根国家旅行。” 这样看来好像我又不能直接去法国。 但是在IND的网站上我又找到这样的解释: “You will have 6 months to collect the MVV. Once the MVV has been attached to your passport, you will have 6 months to travel to the Netherlands and to apply for a residence permit. Please pay attention to the validity of your passport and your MVV.
In this period of 6 months (180 days) you are allowed to stay for 90 days in one of the Schengen countries. You also can use the MVV to travel first to another Schengen country before entering The Netherlands.”