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本帖最后由 heyivy 于 2011-8-2 02:24 编辑

还有,分期付款好像只需要签一个 instalment agreement, 是不是到了之后再付第一笔呢?
International students who are not from one of the EU/EEA countries or from Switzerland, should pay the full tuition fees before arrival or enter into an instalment agreement with the Admissions Office.

Payment in full before arrival
Fees can be paid by credit card (Master Card, American Express or Visa) or by international bank transfer to:
ABN AMRO Bank in Amsterdam SWIFT-code: ABNANL2A
International Bank Account Reference Code: NL59ABNA0552828785
Bank Account:
Made payable to: Leiden University Admissions Office Finance B.V., Leiden, The Netherlands.
NOTE: Admissions Office requires all bank charges (relating to the transfer of money to Admissions Office) to be paid by the applicant. Therefore the applicant should instruct his/her Bank to transfer the relevant amount to the Admissions Office account, ensuring that the payment of all charges for the transfer will be paid from his/her account. (i.e. the amount to be transferred should be the amount of the tuition fee, plus all applicable bank charges)
If you are paying for someone else, please state clearly on your transfer form the name of the applicant and the programme.

Instalment agreement
Students can also choose to enter into an instalment agreement with the Financial service centre whereby payment is made in two or four parts. The first instalment must be paid before 1 September or February 1 respectively. Please note that all bank charges (relating to the transfer of money to Leiden University) are to be paid by the applicant.


快乐光光  中级海盗  2011-8-2 08:50:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
回复 heyivy 的帖子

1. 如果没记错的话分期付款的第一期要在国内付,全部学费四次付清,后边三次到了再付,并且都是银行转账,没有现场刷卡这么一说。2. 信用卡付费貌似指的是荷兰信用卡或者你在国内办的欧元卡,能刷卡的。(不过国内办欧元卡据说要三个月才能办好,时间太久,我当时也没办)。
3. 银行电汇是最简单的交学费的付费方式,150元RMB的电报费+1/1000的手续费 (都是以RMB为计算单位,也就是说不管你能兑换多少欧元,都是以你拿的人民币为标准算手续费,如:你汇1000RMB,需要1块钱RMB的手续费)。至于莱顿大学说的什么资产证明等方式入学再交学费都不适用于中国学生,哎,比较无奈,详细信息参照付款注意事项的第十条。(For Chinese students .....)
4. 个人建议如果不是家里实在倒腾不开钱的话还是一次付了省心,也省了电报费,而且不需要家里人整天盯着欧元汇率劳心费神的帮你换。不过10000欧的生活存款是必须要在来荷之前打到学校账上的,其实花不了这么多了,这样的话,你可以用一部分这个钱交一期的学费。所以看你自己怎么安排了。
康哥  见习海盗  2011-8-7 12:39:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 比利时

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