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Erasmus MC现有一CSC博士生职位,各位童鞋如有在国内的师兄弟有兴趣,欢迎联系!
A 4-year PhD studentship in the Department of Forensic Molecular Biology, Erasmus Universtiy Medical Center.

Forensic DNA phenotyping includes the inference of information on externally visibal characteristics (EVCs) directly from a DNA sample. There are two main objectives of the PhD project, (1) identification of genetic variants that are associated with EVCs by means of genome-wide association and sequencing studies. (2) prediction of EVCs based on DNA variants. The project is highly related to 3 disciplines of knowledge, genetic epidemiology, statistics, and bioinformatics. The succesfull candidate is expected to obtain a PhD in computational genetics after 4 years.

Fluent in English.
Chinese and currently living in China.
Having a MSc or higher degree in bioinformatics, computer scince, statistics, epidemiology or related fields.
Solid background in either computer programing or statistics.

Previous publications on international peer reviewed journals.
Experience in analsyis of extremely large data sets.
Experience in Linux operation system.

Succesfully take required lectures and pass exams (20%).
Conducting scientific studies and produce papers (60%).
Programing and data managing for the department (20%).

All the applicants should send their CVs, diplomas and motivation letters directly to Dr. Fan Liu (f.liu@erasmusmc.nl). If the submitted documents are approved, there may be an interview via webcam to assess their English proficiency.



aolinpikesong  高级海盗  2011-7-27 12:46:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国江苏徐州
艾苏苏  中级海盗  2011-7-28 04:42:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
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