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新的一年到了,大家又开始为申请ID 的事情忙碌了, 希望这些信息对大家有帮助:

办理ID 的过程基本分两种,一个是续ID, 一个是申请新的ID(如果转学了,就要申请新的了,因为ID 上面的信息要变动的)
一  申请新的ID
A 需要的文件
1 Copy of your insurance card ( need one year and copy both sides)
2 Proof of your registration at student administration
3 Financial proof ( 9000euro / If you don't have enough money, try to put the proof of your school tuition fee.)
4 Copy of your passport ( all the pages)
5 Copy of your old ID card (for the student who change their situation and already   have an old ID card)
6  Photo (It is better make your photo at " Bijlage fotokaart")
7  proof of your registration at city hall( cost around 6 euro)


C 申请表格
www.ind.nl 然后点击 IND in bedrijf,在屏幕的右上方可以看到
. contact
. zoek
. begrippen
. brochures
点击 最后一个(brochures)
在 Formulieren 有一项叫 Aanvraag verblijfsvergunning of wijziging beperking zonder MVV, 选择 Engel

二 续ID
A 所需材料和前面一样的
C 申请表格是IND 寄给你的


216.85 KB, 下载次数: 309


Jessicaw84  高级海盗  2005-1-4 00:22:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 申请ID的过程

Guide to immigration procedures in the Netherlands

1. Country group I

Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom.

(These countries form the EU/EEA. Switzerland does not belong to the EU/EEA, but due to an association treaty, Dutch immigration law treats Swiss nationals in the same way.)If you have one of these nationalities, the following procedures apply.

Entry visa

· You do not need a visa to enter the Netherlands, neither for a short, nor for a long stay. All you need is a valid passport. You may travel through all Schengen countries freely.

Residence permit (Verblijfsvergunning)

As EU/EEA citizen, not many obligations apply to you. After arrival in the Netherlands, go to the local municipality (town hall). What you need to do there, depends on how long you are going to stay in the Netherlands:
- If you are staying for just a short period (less than four months), the civil servant at the municipality will simply give you a sticker in your passport to prove that you have reported.
- If you are staying for more than four months, they will also register you as inhabitant of the city. In this case, you may also apply for an EU/EEA residence card. This is not compulsory , but it is highly advisable, as it will make a number of things easier.
How to register as inhabitant and apply for a residence card? Reporting to the municipality. Within three days after arrival in the Netherlands, you should go to the local municipality (town hall). Here, you can apply for your residence permit or EU residence card. You will receive a sticker in your passport to prove that you applied.

Work permit (Tewerkstellingsvergunning: TWV)

You do not need a work permit. You are allowed to earn money alongside your studies or internship activities without a work permit. However, you will need to pay income tax and therefore need a social fiscal registration number (Sofi-nummer).

Related: Income Tax and Social-fiscal number (Sofi-nummer)

Income Tax and Bilateral agreements

Whether or not a foreign national has to pay income tax on a scholarship or salary may depend on the bilateral agreements between your home country and the Netherlands. It is advisable to discuss your individual situation with your local tax office. The following are general rules that might be helpful.

Paid internships

Student-trainees from other countries - that is, foreign students doing an internship in the Netherlands - are exempted from paying Dutch income tax if all of the following is true:

  • you will be staying in the Netherlands no longer than six months;
  • you will be doing an internship (work placement) for educational purposes only;
  • you will be receiving money that is intended only to cover your expenses.

Scholarships which you receive from an institution or organization, for instance from Nuffic, are exempt from income tax if they are paid out in one single amount, or in regular instalments for no longer than one year.

Social-fiscal number (Sofi-nummer)

If you are going to work in the Netherlands, also if it is only for a short time, you will need to obtain a registration number for tax purposes. This is known as a 'sofi-nummer'. There are sixteen tax offices in the Netherlands, who are able to provide you with a social-fiscal number. To find the closest one qualified to do so, contact any tax office or ask your host institution for help. Usually, you will have to go to one of the qualified tax offices, present your documents, and then you will receive your social-fiscal number on the spot.

Who can obtain a social-fiscal number and which documents are needed?

  • EU/EEA citizens who reside outside the Netherlands but who do work in the Netherlands, only need to show a valid passport/identity card in order to obtain a social-fiscal number.
  • EU/EEA citizens who reside in the Netherlands, need to show a valid passport/identity card and proof that they have registered with the municipality in order to obtain a social-fiscal number.
  • Non EU/EEA citizens who have applied for a residence permit and who are subject to tax (belastingplichtig) can also obtain a social-fiscal number. A residence permit implies that you will stay in the Netherlands for more than 3 months. To get the social-fiscal number you need to show your passport, your MVV (if applicable), your application for a residence permit, your work permit and your registration with the municipality. If you receive a Dutch scholarship you need to prove that you're subject to tax.
  • Non EU/EEA citizens staying in the Netherlands for less than 3 months can also sometimes get a social-fiscal number. This is possible in the following situations, and the following documents have to be shown:
- if you stay in the Netherlands for up to 3 months in order to work. Documents: passport with a short stay visa (if applicable), and the sticker from the local aliens police to prove that you reported there, a work permit, and the contract with your employer.
- if you stay in the Netherlands for up tot 3 months in order to study. Documents: passport with a short stay visa (if applicable), and the sticker from the local aliens police to prove that you reported there, proof that you receive a Dutch scholarship, proof that you are registered as a student at a higher education institution, and a statement from the educational institution explaining why you need a sofi-nummer.

Registering with the university

You need to register at your host institution (university or hogeschool) when you arrive, not only for getting your class schedules, but also to comply with immigration procedures. The host institution will want to see proof that you have registered at the municipality

Health insurance

You must be insured against the costs of medical treatment. This is a requirement under Dutch law.

Jessicaw84  高级海盗  2005-1-4 00:24:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 申请ID的过程

2. Country group II

Australia, Canada, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, the United States of America, Vatican City State.

If you have one of these nationalities, the following procedures apply.

Entry visa

· You do not need a visa to enter the Netherlands, neither for a short, nor for a long stay. All you need is a valid passport.

Residence permit

  • For a stay of up to three months: You are required to report to the local immigration authorities (Aliens Police) within three days of your arrival.
    Read here how to report to the Aliens Police.
For a stay of more than three months: You need to apply for a residence permit. To do this, go to your local municipality (town hall) within three days of your arrival. There you will have to present a number of documents and pay a fee. Read how to report to the municipality and apply for a residence permit.

You are obliged to apply for a residence permit if you are a citizen of a non-EU/EEA country and you would like to stay in the Netherlands for a period of more than three months. (Only for EU/EEA citizens, this is optional.) You will have to present a number of documents, pay a fee, and if everything is in order you will receive a residence permit some weeks or months later which proves that you are residing legally in the Netherlands.

Reporting to the municipality

Within three days after arrival in the Netherlands, you should go to the local municipality (town hall). Here, you can apply for your residence permit or EU residence card. You will receive a sticker in your passport to prove that you applied.

Applying for a residence permit

In order to apply for a residence permit, you need to fill in an application form and hand it in to the civil servant at the municipality. There are three ways to get the application form:

  • The civil servant at the town hall can provide you with the application form.
  • Your university may provide you with the form ahead of time and help you to fill it in.
  • You can also find the form on the website of the Immigration Department:
Work permit (Tewerkstellingsvergunning: TWV)

You do need a work permit before you may work in the Netherlands. The following academic activities, among others, count as working: lecturing, doing a student internship or work placement, conducting research, and pursuing a doctorate or PhD (as AIO, for example). The employer must apply to the Centre for Work and Income for your work permit.
If you have a residence permit for study purposes you may earn money on the side. Such work must be either seasonal (in June, July and/or August) or comprise no more than ten hours a week. Also in this case, your employer must
apply for a work permit for you.

Registering with the university

You need to register at your host institution (university or hogeschool) when you arrive, not only for getting your class schedules, but also to comply with immigration procedures. The host institution will want to see proof that you have reported to the Aliens Police/the municipality and, if applicable, applied for a residence permit.

Health insurance

You must be insured against the costs of medical treatment. This is a requirement under Dutch law.

Jessicaw84  高级海盗  2005-1-4 00:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 申请ID的过程

3. Country group III

Andorra, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Brunei, Bulgaria, Chile, Costa Rica, Croatia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Romania, San Marino, Singapore, South Korea, Uruguay, Venezuela.

If you have one of these nationalities, the following procedures apply.

Entry visa

· For a stay of up to three months:
· You don't need a visa to enter the Netherlands, neither for a short, nor for a long stay. All you need is a valid passport. You may travel through all Schengen countries freely.

· For a stay of more than three months:
You need an
authorization for temporary stay (MVV). An MVV is a sticker placed in your passport. You apply for it at the Dutch embassy or consulate in your home country (or the country in which you legally reside). It is extremely important to have this visa before coming to the Netherlands!

Residence permit

  • For a stay of up to three months: You are required to report to the local immigration authorities (Aliens Police) within three days of your arrival.
    Read here how to report to the Aliens Police.
  • For a stay of more than three months: You need to apply for a residence permit. To do this, go to your local municipality (town hall) within three days of your arrival. There you will have to present a number of documents and pay a fee. Read how to report to the municipality and apply for a residence permit. (Details: see related requirements as mentioned on country group II)  
Work permit (Tewerkstellingsvergunning: TWV)

You do need a work permit before you may work in the Netherlands. The following academic activities, among others, count as working: lecturing, doing a student internship or work placement, conducting research, and pursuing a doctorate or PhD (as AIO, for example). The employer must apply to the Centre for Work and Income for your work permit.
If you have a residence permit for study purposes you may earn money on the side. Such work must be either seasonal (in June, July and/or August) or comprise no more than ten hours a week. Also in this case, your employer must
apply for a work permit for you.

Registering with the university

You need to register at your host institution (university or hogeschool) when you arrive, not only for getting your class schedules, but also to comply with immigration procedures. The host institution will want to see proof that you have reported to the Aliens Police/the municipality and, if applicable, applied for a residence permit.

Health insurance

You must be insured against the costs of medical treatment. This is a requirement under Dutch law.

Jessicaw84  高级海盗  2005-1-4 00:24:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 申请ID的过程

4. Country group IV - list of countries

If you have one of these nationalities (Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Burkino Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Colombia, Comoros, Congo Brazzaville, Congo (Democratic Republic), Cote d'Ivoire, Cuba, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldava, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Niger, Nigeria, Northern Mariana Islands, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russian Federation, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Serbia and Montenegro, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe, the following procedures apply.

Entry visa

  • For a stay of up to three months:
    You need a
    short-stay visa (VKV) to enter the Netherlands. You have to apply for this at the Dutch embassy or consulate in your home country (or the country in which you legally reside).
  • For a stay of more than three months:
    You need an
    authorization for temporary stay (MVV). An MVV is a sticker placed in your passport. You apply for it at the Dutch embassy or consulate in your home country (or the country in which you legally reside). It is extremely important to have this visa before coming to the Netherlands!
Residence Permit

  • For a stay of up to three months: You are required to report to the local immigration authorities (Aliens Police) within three days of your arrival.
    Read here how to report to the Aliens Police.
  • For a stay of more than three months: You need to apply for a residence permit. To do this, go to your local municipality (town hall) within three days of your arrival. There you will have to present a number of documents and pay a fee. Read how to report to the municipality and apply for a residence permit (Details: see also related requirements as mentioned on country group II and III) .
Work permit (Tewerkstellingsvergunning: TWV)

You do need a work permit before you may work in the Netherlands. The following academic activities, among others, count as working: lecturing, doing a student internship or work placement, conducting research, and pursuing a doctorate or PhD (as AIO, for example). The employer must apply to the Centre for Work and Income for your work permit.
If you have a residence permit for study purposes you may earn money on the side. Such work must be either seasonal (in June, July and/or August) or comprise no more than ten hours a week. Also in this case, your employer must
apply for a work permit for you.

Registering with the university

You need to register at your host institution (university or hogeschool) when you arrive, not only for getting your class schedules, but also to comply with immigration procedures. The host institution will want to see proof that you have reported to the Aliens Police/the municipality and, if applicable, applied for a residence permit.

Health insurance

You must be insured against the costs of medical treatment. This is a requirement under Dutch law.

沈森严  ↗GGD爱心大使↗  2005-1-4 00:29:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 申请ID的过程

护照全部复印.... 其实是不用的,把相关页复印了就可以鸟~
QyuQ  见习海盗  2005-1-4 00:52:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 申请ID的过程

priscillalin  四海霸王  2005-1-4 11:20:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 申请ID的过程


thank you
louisa fokkert  中级海盗  2005-1-4 13:01:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 申请ID的过程

荔枝MM  海贼王  2005-1-4 13:16:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 申请ID的过程


(那时候就是听了INTERNATIONAL OFFICE说的不用全部复印,偶就多了一个麻烦,所以不能太相信IO的)
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