申请了UVA和UVT的本科课程 俩个学校都录取了 但是现在又不能免俗的纠结下该去哪个学校!!
UVA的专业是Congratulations! We are very pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to the BSc in Economics & Business programme at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam. We are offering you a place in our programme starting September 2011.
但是学费Total costs for one academic year will be approximately 14,000 for EU students and 22,000 for non-EU students.
Tuition fee EU appr. 1,713 per year
Tuition fee non-EU 9,000 per year
Books 800 per year
Accommodation 300 - 550 per month
Living expenses 400 - 500 per month
Health insurance 50 per month
Public transport 55 per month
Visa and residence permit non EU students 430 per year又相当的贵。
UVT的是BSC IN IBA专业 一年学费6546欧
毕竟UVA排名高 是世界范围内的名校,而中介说UVT的专业比较好,比较适合学习。
所以在这里希望有了解情况的大大们 能帮忙分析一下利弊,最近这段时间就要给UVT答复了,汇款办签证。所以很急呀。 |