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马上一年的项目就要结束了,准备留在这里继续找工作的童鞋们可以看看这个文档。学校Immigration office给的申请工作签证的信息和要求。。

Job Search
Documents toinclude with application:
1.Copy of back and front of currentResidence Permit
2.Either copy of diploma (stamped and signedby either International Office or Education Office at Faculty) OR a letter ofintention from the International Office.
3.Passport photo – not more than 6 monthsold and different from your current Resident Permit photo.It must be taken at a Dutch photographer’sshop, not a photo booth at the station.
4.Include a copy of your passport, as thisis always helpful.
5.You do not have to include details of asponsor or any financial proof.
6.Remember you will have to pay (preferablywith your Dutch bank card, but you can also pay in cash) when you hand in yourapplication (approximately €331)

Job Search January 2011.pdf

503.13 KB, 下载次数: 123


nejear  中级海盗  2011-4-14 20:21:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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