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悲催了。 我是KM家属一枚,想申请今年的master,但写信问IB-GROUP说我这种情况(老公中国人,KM,非永居,永久合同)是否可以按欧盟学生学费。他们就回答说没有资格。。。我很奇怪,之前很多朋友的跟我情况一样申请到了。难道这个只针对于本科,master不适用还是今年改政策了?我搜索了之前的老贴,大家讨论的结果是可以的阿,只要这个学校有分欧盟和非欧盟2套标准就应该可以阿。



lucas888  四海霸王  2011-4-8 10:06:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
lucas888  四海霸王  2011-4-11 09:21:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
我把这个寄给IBG看,他们的答复是:On your residence permit is says "kennismigrant". With that limitation, you are not entitled to en grant for tuition fees.
http://www.ib-groep.nl/studiepun ... schema.asp?taal=en#

1.(student)Are you a parent or student?
2.(No)Do you have, apart from your foreign nationality, also the Dutch nationality?   

3.(No)Did one of your parents receive a grant on your behalf during the school year in which you became 18 years or older?  

4.(Yes)Do you yourself have a residence permit type I, regular limited period?   

5.(No)Has your permit been issued with one of the following limitations (see the back of your document)?
single minor foreigner
as an adopted or foster child
stay as a foreigner who through no fault of his own cannot leave the Netherlands
on account of a ministerial order
victim or witness of trafficking in human beings (B9)
on account of the 'general amnesty' (for those who submitted an application for asylum under the former Aliens Act)
continued stay as a result of one of the limitations mentioned above
(In my case, I don't think I meet any of these situation, then I chose NO.)

6.(Yes)Has your permit I been issued with the limitation: stay because of making a family, addition to the family*?, stay with a member of family or based on either "Vreemdelingencirculaire B2" or art. 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms? (Check the back of your document)

*With addition to the family is also meant 'stay with partner'.
Yes (I am being here as KM partner, then I chose yes)

7.(Yes)Is the person you are staying with (and who is mentioned on your document) Dutch, or in possession of a permit II or I with one of the following limitations:
single minor foreigner
as an adopted or foster child
stay as a foreigner who through no fault of his own cannot leave the Netherlands
on account of a ministerial order
victim or witness of trafficking in human beings (B9)
on account of the 'general amnesty' (for those who submitted an application for asylum under the former Aliens Act)
stay because of making a family, addition to the family or stay with a member of family
based on the 'Vreemdelingencirculaire B2' - based on art. 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
  Yes (I  stay because of making a family, addition to the family or stay with a member of family )

Result:   You are entitled to a grant for tuition fees or a study grant if you meet the other criteria (age and type of school) as well. Along with your application form, please send in a copy of the front and back of your permit, and a copy of the front and back of the passport of the person you are staying with according to your permit. Your permit must be valid at the moment you send in an application and your study starts, or when you are already studying.
shanne  中级海盗  2011-4-11 10:13:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
建议lz亲自去趟离自己最近的服务点办理,很多时候他们都搞不清状况。我当时去了海牙的办理处,在他们的指导下填了表就ok了。唯一他们需要的必要条件就是:1.年龄小于30 2.身份证背面要有配偶的名字 3.学校录取通知书。就这么简单啊。这是我2008年申请时的情况,如过他们改政策的话,那就没办法了。祝楼主好运,不要放弃啊。我当初办的时候也是提心掉胆的。
新人新问题  中级海盗  2011-4-23 00:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

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