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每个录取的筒子都已经或者将收到Delftulip的邀请,需要climb the wall进去。里面类似于人人网的小型社交网站,但包含确认、住宿、Visa、保险、接机、新生介绍等必要信息。以下摘自international office 的工作人员的发来邮件(针对目前中国大陆学生无法直接登陆进去的问题):
It is not an ideal situation, of course, that not all of our admitted students can easily and freely access the information. In addition to it being very informative, it is also the necessary way (currently) to register for the programme and complete all of the next-steps.I imagine we can't expect all students to be able to find this work around, so we will need to look into other options in case the site remains blocked.

所以,请大家不要怕 麻烦,尽力fan墙过去
2011TUD新生群:128774441 这是我们的大部队所在地。

[ 本帖最后由 harry880822 于 2011-2-15 04:27 编辑 ]
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