原帖由 bestint 于 2011-2-9 18:16 发表 
是这样的,我格大商科硕士毕业,论文题还蛮有意思,我导师跟我推荐了他的一个同事,在Eindhove,貌似是Open University是个60多岁的老教授,研究方向和我的硕士论文类似,于是我就申请了,他给我回的邮件就问我这个问题,所以我现在糊 ...
I don't think that you don't understand his question.
He is not talking about 学费, it's always about 工资.
You just don't want to face the fact that he doesn't has money for you, and he wants you to bring your own money. 
[ 本帖最后由 fuggy 于 2011-2-10 14:12 编辑 ] |