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Dear Master candidates in (Supply chain, warehousing),

There is a internship of 6 months available for a master student who wants to finish his/her master thesis in a company. If you are interested, please send your CV to me: dk2800@hotmail.com

See below a brief summary of this project:

the Netherlands

Expectedperiod: 6 months
Rewardper month: Standard Dutch Internship
Keywords:warehouse optimization, release policy, order allocation,picking, packing
SuggestedOptimization and Simulation Tools:
Arena, CPLEX, GAMS, MATLAB Simulink

are ahealthcare company providing daily solutions withinkey areas of patient handling, hygiene systems, medical beds, pressure areacare, wound care and infection control. Menlo Worldwide is ourlogistics service provider, located in Eersel. The warehouse is acting as worldwide distribution center mainly for ourspare parts and accessory business. On daily basis and average, approximately1000 customer order lines are shipped out from Menlo warehouse to different destinations worldwide.The average outbound lines per order are at the moment between 2 and 3 lineswith 8 eaches per line in average. Some key relate warehouse KPIs are:warehouse efficiency, which is measured based on the warehouse cost per month;warehouse cost per line; and warehouse ship on time. Following the lean methodology of value stream mapping, improvementprojects are jointly identified. Oneexample of such improvement project is our release policy optimization betweenthe different ERP systems. This release policy subject specifically means to find the optimal customer order releasingpolicy furthermore to minimize the warehousing cost, which can be convertedinto a time manner (picking time and walking time). At the moment, we have therelease policy to release our standard customer orders per full hour, and someother customer order types based on different service, picking and shippingconstraints. We want to know if the current policies are optimal or anyimprovement available based on some analysis and simulation. We would like tobring in an internship project for a master student who is willing to finishhis/her master thesis on this topic for a half year period. The project startswith scenario analysis based on the current operations at Menlo with detailedprocess flows. It continues with all possible scenarios to lead the furtherreductions in the warehouse based on different constraints and variables. Thenthe mathematical models should be established based on the analysis. At thelast step, optimization should be achieved using mathematical tools.

Howis the current process flows in the warehouse
Whatare the decisive variables and constraints to the subject function to beminimized?

Howto optimize the release policy to achieve the minimum of picking and walkingtime based on all constraints?

Research Questions:
What are all the possible release / routing policiesfor a picker-to-parts warehouse management system?
Which variables impact the picking process and how canthose variables be optimized?

Describe current situation with all processes andconstraints
Determine different scenarios for release policy
Scenario analysis withoptimization, e.g. regression model, etc...

[ 本帖最后由 双一 于 2011-1-20 12:29 编辑 ]
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