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Landscape Architecture and Planning  , M.Sc.   Wageningen University, Environment & Landscape



  • Civil Engineering, Architecture & Construction
  • Geography
  • Geo-information & Spatial Planning
Country:NetherlandsDuration: 24 months  
City:WageningenStart Date: September
Educational Form:  
  •   Research
Languages: English   
Education Variants:
  •   Fulltime
Application Deadline:July 1 (EU, Dutch applicants); May 1 (Non EU)
  Annual Tuition Fee:    € 1620   € 9250  (non-EEA)  
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  Programme Description
  • What is the impact of social developments on the physical world around me? Why does it change the way it does?
  • How do I shape a functional and yet beautiful landscape? And what is landscape, anyway?
If these questions fascinate you, studying Landscape Architecture and Planning is just what you are looking for. You will be educated as an academic in order to find your own answers to such questions.
Wageningen University and Research Centre has a long tradition of scientific research and education involving people and their environment. Our work is widely appreciated.
Our two-year MSc programme Landscape Architecture and Planning stimulates you to reach the top in the field of spatial planning, landscape architecture and landscape research.
Landscape Architecture and Planning focuses on the deliberate construction and reconstruction of the environment. It involves research, planning and design of landscape to create and maintain places to be functional, meaningful, sustainable and beautiful. In order to comprehend the complex relationships between people, nature and landscape, the study integrates concepts and approaches from both the creative arts and the natural and social sciences and incorporates the latest advances in technology. It combines the professional skills of physical design and spatial planning with the ability to conduct research and express a scholarly attitude. Landscape Architecture and Planning is concerned with the creative process of making plans and designs; with the organization of interactive or participatory decision making processes; and with the development and management of scientific knowledge.
The study focuses primarily on the rural-urban metropolitan landscape of The Netherlands and Western Europe in its global context of cultural, ecological, technological, economic and political transformations.
Within the MSc programme Landscape Architecture and Planning you pick one specialisation, which is the Major of your programme:
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Socio-Spatial Analysis
  • Spatial Planning


waterbaby  中级海盗  2010-12-27 11:11:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国天津
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