I just see so much friends applicate the Masters in Management at Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam.But there are three Domains at EUR,one is Economics and Management which includes the Erasmus School of Economics and the Rotterdam School of Management.
As an undergraduate student in China,I suppose to applicated the Master in Marketing at Rotterdam School of Economics.Is someone else at the Rotterdam School of Economics here?
My msn: hzbasler@hotmail.com
Also,you can E-mail to me: ILVrae@yahoo.com.cn
Thanks a lot!
Because my laptop can not type into chinese right now,so I have to use English.Sorry.
Thanks alexandertg!
RSM把学生分为两类,一类是Pre-experience Masters,另一类是Post-experience Masters .前者更适合大学本科毕业的学生在毕业后申请。
RSM是CEMS成员(the community of the top European business schools/universities. Each country can be represented by one institution (university or business school) only.),这与英国的LSE,德国的KOLN,维也纳的经济管理大学一样。
你好,我是上海的,我也查询了ERASMUS的信息,就是有些糊涂了,在PRE-EXP的板块里可供选择的似乎不多,查询了提供DELTA奖学金的更加少了,我目前看中的是INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ADMINSTRATION,但他还要求GMAT 成绩,我还得去考,本来是想读海洋经济学与物流学的,但是因为原专业是国际经济与贸易,所以怕跟不上。我能跟您联系交流一下么,我的MSN:BALLCAT0902@HOTMAIL.COM,平时在学校,国际网又不能上,所以用QQ,您有么,我的是1714822,希望尽快与您取得联系