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各位好!最近一直在打听此专业的学校,现在问下来Wageningen University ,好象还不错.但我主要还是对植物和花卉比较感兴趣.有在校就读的朋友吗?给些意见吧,我具体想知道一下课程和此专业的着重教学点偏向哪里?另外就是学成后的出路一般是哪些地方.其实我也在同时选择和我现学专业对口的学科了,但对花草植物却也一直有着浓厚的兴趣,所以想多多咨询一下.谢谢啦!  注:听说此专业一旦选择了,如不适合也不能转其他专业了.是真的吗?


anthony_renj  ↗贵宾↗  2004-10-20 19:59:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 关于 Wageningen University 园艺专业

suki_zmy  初上贼船  2004-10-21 18:00:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复: 关于 Wageningen University 园艺专业

vickyhan  高级海盗  2004-10-21 18:18:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 关于 Wageningen University 园艺专业

12315  初上贼船  2004-10-21 18:28:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 关于 Wageningen University 园艺专业

那请问vickyhan vbmenu_register("postmenu_349525", true); ,瓦大有农业方面的英语授课的本科吗?
anthony_renj  ↗贵宾↗  2004-10-22 09:27:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 关于 Wageningen University 园艺专业

Post by suki_zmy


The Landscape Architecture and Planning programme is concerned with the deliberate construction and reconstruction of the environment. It involves researching, planning and designing landscapes to create, maintain, protect and enhance locations so they are functional, meaningful, sustainable and beautiful. In order to understand the complex relationships between people, nature and landscape, the study programme integrates concepts and approaches from the creative arts and the natural and social sciences. It combines the professional skills of planning and design with scientific skills in fundamental research. Landscape Architecture and Planning is concerned with the creative process of making plans and designs on various spatial scales and with different temporal horizons, with the organisation of interactive or participatory decision-making processes to generate plans and policies and with the development and management of scientific knowledge. The programme does this in an integrative manner, where planning and design decisions are legitimised with sound scientific knowledge and the validity and utility of research is tested during the process of planning and design. The study focuses primarily on the rural-urban metropolitan landscape of the Netherlands and Western Europe in a dynamic and global context of cultural, ecological, technological, economic and political transformations. In an international context, the Landscape Architecture and Planning programme at Wageningen University is based on a strong national tradition of planning and design in the Netherlands that was developed to find solutions for the multiple use of densely populated land in a hydrologically complex river delta landscape.

Graduates of the MSc Programme in Landscape Architecture and Planning will have:

  • the knowledge and skills to carry out an integrated analysis of the abiotic, biotic and man-made dimensions of the landscape and its historical development under the influence of natural and cultural processes;
  • the skill to find creative solutions for ecological and social problems through the development of plans and designs on diverse spatial scales and with different temporal horizons;
  • the knowledge and skill to organise decision-making processes with the aim of generating plans and policies, and to communicate with members of society;
  • the skill to formulate and conduct scientific landscape research.
There are three specialisations:

Landscape Architecture

The landscape is formed by natural forces, but it is also a work of art. Landscape architecture concerns the quality of the landscape: its beauty, its usefulness and its sustainability. Students in this specialisation learn the basic theory of architectural forms and design methodology and apply this to urban and rural spaces. Students use creative processes to increase or maintain the quality of the landscape – our living space. These design processes are linked both to the arts and to scientific knowledge that spans behavioural and ecological fields of study. Students work on design projects such as an urban facelift or the embedding of a rural infrastructure, where functional requirements, technical feasibility and ethical aspects of design are considered.

Spatial Planning

This specialisation provides a comprehensive overview of spatial and environmental planning while focusing on the interrelationship of rural and urban land use. Research and teaching both aim at combining the relevant aspects of science, the arts, the humanities and the social sciences to provide a very broad perspective. Spatial planning focuses on planning projects and policy measures to solve complex problems concerning the use of space. Subjects offered include land policy, spatial economics and infrastructure. For example, planning the metropolitan landscape addresses maintaining habitable rural areas (striking a balance between agricultural land use and quality of the environment), mobility and infrastructure, and water management.

Socio-spatial Analysis

This specialisation focuses on understanding and analysing the interactions that occur between people and environments. This is accomplished by examining the way globalisation frames the social and cultural structure of specific locations and regions at various scales. It deals with the experiences, images, preferences, values and interests of people.
anthony_renj  ↗贵宾↗  2004-10-22 09:28:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 关于 Wageningen University 园艺专业

vickyhan  高级海盗  2004-10-22 10:19:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 关于 Wageningen University 园艺专业

suki_zmy  初上贼船  2004-10-22 15:56:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复: 关于 Wageningen University 园艺专业

可是..... :( 我是说我想来读本科啊,而且听朋友说如果以前学习的专业不符合的话,瓦大是不要的.好象要求很高的.
Landscape Architecture 是不是环境艺术啊. 这类专业毕业工作好找吗?
Pipi1059  高级海盗  2004-11-22 23:23:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 关于 Wageningen University 园艺专业

小弟想请教一下,我高中毕业,可以直接申请瓦大的LANDSCAPE 的本科吗?我现在DEVENTER呢。需要语言成绩还是需要有1年的教育背景?如果需要教育背景的话我是不是要先读一年H?需要语言是多少?我目前是鸭子6,没有T。
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