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I am now looking for a "Duo Gong Neng Cha Zuo". Do any body know where I can buy it? And I am going to Amsterdam this weekend, it will be great if I can buy it in Amsterdam or nearby place.:51:


yeno  见习海盗  2004-10-19 09:21:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 【求助】where can I buy "Duo Gong Neng Cha Zuo"?

you can go niumaket, nearby the central station.
Priscillachina  初上贼船  2004-10-19 12:46:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 【求助】where can I buy "Duo Gong Neng Cha Zuo"?

Thank you very much for your kind reply!!!
zengdf  见习海盗  2004-11-7 14:23:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国上海

回复: 【求助】where can I buy "Duo Gong Neng Cha Zuo"?

go to mediamarkt, any big city as Amst'dam, Rot'dam ...
还有更便宜的地方:门口站个浙江人的 :cheap店
Priscillachina  初上贼船  2004-11-19 13:37:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 【求助】where can I buy "Duo Gong Neng Cha Zuo"?

priscillalin  四海霸王  2004-12-8 11:28:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 【求助】where can I buy "Duo Gong Neng Cha Zuo"?

oh my god

we have the same name

nice to meet you
Priscillachina  初上贼船  2004-12-8 18:23:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 【求助】where can I buy "Duo Gong Neng Cha Zuo"?

nice to meet you too!
it can be called "ying xiong suo ming luo tong" ba!
priscillalin  四海霸王  2004-12-20 14:13:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 【求助】where can I buy "Duo Gong Neng Cha Zuo"?


i agree with you
barbarian_110  见习海盗  2005-1-10 22:42:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复: 【求助】where can I buy "Duo Gong Neng Cha Zuo"?

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