Good points.
It's all about the whole picture, who are you as a person. HR managers get information about you from different sources(C.V., cover letter, how you talk, how you dress, what you said, what you have in your C.V., these days they even look at your facebook, linkedin pages) etc, and try to put them togeher, to form a whole picture about you.
You as candidate can also get information from different sources, company profile, job description, inquery by phone, how the interviewer talks, what he/she says etc. The employer always look for someone who matches their ideal candidate profile, try to do the match by yourself. If you don't match at certain points, try to think how you might compensate it with others points where you are better at. Be confident about yourself, without going overconfident, show you know your limits while let them know you can improve yourself beyond your current limits. Never lie, not in C.V., not during the inverview, you hurt yourself much more than you gain.
It's OK to exaggerate a bit, but don't go too far.
While I support LZ's initiative to help newcomers, people need to realize that the job market has never been so bad as now. Do your best but be realistic, nobody can gurantee you a job, no matter how wel you prepare, no matter who helps you to prepare. In the end, it's yourself as a person, your own quality that decides if you get a job and how good you will be at it. And it's also a matter of luck and timing, if you graduate at the right time, finding job is 10 times easier than in difficult times. |