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我有这里的居留,虽然不担心转身份,但是也为找工作发愁。这里的商科本科毕业。看到rsm的项目中有一个MSc BA 的 business information management,看了介绍,主要是对信息系统的分析、管理,还有与商务业务的结合等,不包含编程或者硬件知识。



Core courses (20 ECTS)

    * Information Strategy  
    * Implementing Business Applications  
    * Consultancy & Project Management  
    * Managing Knowledge and Innovation  
    * Managing Information Resources  
    * BIM Research Clinic

Electives (20 ECTS)

    * New Media in Business  
    * Business Networks and Inter-organisational Systems  
    * Next Generation Web Information Systems

Thesis (20 ECTS)

    *  Information Managers who analyse and implement information solutions for companies;   
    * Business Consultants who advise managers to develop business applications to create value;  
    * Business Analysts who analyse and implement new ways of doing business;   
    * IT Consultants who advise managers on how to develop new IT-enabled solutions;   
    * Business Development Managers who develop new IT-enabled business models;   
    * Project Managers who initiate, direct, and manage projects in and between companies;   
    * Management Trainees who usually follow a two-year ‘training on the job’ programme and will continue their career in a management position.

Graduates work in the following sectors:

    * Management Consultancy (33%);   
    * Software and Computing Services (19%);   
    * Technology, Multi-media, and Telecom (12%);   
    * Banking (9%);   
    * Energy, Oil and Gas Services (6%);   
    * Food, Drink, and Tobacco (4%);   
    * Other Sectors (17%).

Our top employers include:

    * PriceWaterhouseCoopers (12%);   
    * Accenture (11%);   
    * LogicaCMG (11%);   
    * EUR (8%);   
    * Solvision (8%);   
    * Cap Gemini Ernst & Young (7%);   
    * Deloitte & Touch (7%);   
    * ABN AMRO (5%);   
    * IBM (5%);   
    * KPN (5%);   
    * Shell (5%);   
    * Akzo Nobel (4%);   
    * ING Bank (4%);   
    * KPMG (4%);   
    * Oracle (4%).

有没有在rsm 学习过、或者在类似领域工作过的战友来指点一下这个项目是否实用、是否对找工作有帮助?


[ 本帖最后由 蛋糕 于 2010-4-9 20:53 编辑 ]
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