一、活动简介为了促进在荷中国留学生与工作人员的交流互动及宣传乒乓球运动,海牙孔子学院(CIH),华人工程师协会(VCWI),中国留荷学生与学者联合会(简称ACSSNL ),将于2010年04月11日在埃茵霍温大学体育馆联合举办首届“孔子杯”全荷乒乓球友谊赛。此次,我们首次借助三方联办方式,希望为全体热爱体育的中国学生学者,华人华侨,以及外国朋友提供一个以球会友,切磋进步的机会;促进乒乓球爱好者之间的沟通与交流;扩大乒乓球的影响力,并积极推广在荷学生学者华人华侨热爱体育活动这一形象。同时吸引更多在荷学生学者华人华侨参与到体育活动中来。 2. 活动简介Introduction:在VCWI往年多次成功举办乒乓球赛的基础上,我们汲取经验,以期有所提高。我们希望逐渐将“孔子杯”乒乓球友谊赛打造成规范化运作的体育赛事,为参赛运动员和观众提供更好的体验,树立这一品牌在荷兰乒乓球爱好者中的地位。 我们为本次以及今后各届乒赛设计了官方网站,这一网站将为这一系列赛事长期服务(开通时间待定!!!)。并为此赛事设计了logo。在联合荷兰中文媒体的同时,邀请了荷兰主流媒体进行报导采访,例如volkskrant和dagblad。 在赛制方面,由于本次比赛规模空前,我们补充了针对小组淘汰队伍的排位赛,希望尽最大努力保证所有参赛人员尽兴而归。 3. 组委会OrganizationalCommittee:本次活动组委会由三方代表组成。具体人员如下:顾问:罗平,张晓东(中国大使馆教育处)总策划:周家娟(CIH)组委会主席:阳宗全(VCWI)秘书长:相飞(ACSSNL)组委会成员:关宇昕(VCWI),于淼(ACSSNL), 常青(VCWI),钱程(VCWI),曲作鹏(VCWI)二. 报名时间以及条件1. 报名时间:2010年02月23日至2009年03月22日 1. 考虑到有些场次将同时进行,每队必须保证有3名选手,其中至少有1名女选手,选手最多不超过5人。 2.考虑到部分城市不止一支球队,由于比赛时间有限,如报名队伍数目过多,组委会将作适当调整。 3.本次比赛由三方冠名资助,不仅针对在荷留学人员和学者,同时包括华人华侨及部分外国友人。具体组队请各地在球队招募时自行安排。 4. 对于人数不满的城市,请无需顾虑,及时联系组委会,我们会组成联队,以期尽量满足大家参与活动的愿望。 5. 本次公开赛为尽量保证各地分会的参与,将不接受地方球队单独报名,请各地球队通过本地学联分会或工程师协会报名。 三、比赛时间以及初步规则1.比赛时间:11:00 am -17:00 pm, 2010年4月11日(周日) 2.比赛地点:Eindhoven University of Technology, Sport Center, Hall 11).以16支报名队伍为准,分A, B两个级别,A级为半专业级,B级为业余级。每级别2个小组,每组4支队伍。 2).所有队伍通过自行报名确定级别,通过现场抽签决定组别。 3).组内循环赛,以积分排定每组第一名,第二名进入下一轮比赛(四强淘汰赛)。第三,第四名进入排位赛。排位信息为今后乒乓球赛的开展提供依据。 4).四强淘汰赛,由每组首名出线队伍对本级别另一组第二名出线队伍。胜者进入决赛,负者争夺第三,第四名。 5). 排位赛,由每组排名第三,第四名的队伍对本级另一组第三,第四名队伍。同级别不同组交叉循环,按积分排位。 1). 每场比赛11分制,20分钟内必须结束,为决出胜负的,以各局总分定输赢。 2). 比赛具体次序,例如男单女单次序,将由03月22日报名截止后视情况而定。 最后,热切期待您的报名,并祝您虎年虎虎生威,球场职场同创佳绩。 [1]比赛规则将会适当地以最后报名情况与组队情况略作调整。The regulations of the match are allowed to be adjusted according tothe final registration and team formation. 2010 The First “Confucius Cup” Dutch Table TennisFriendly Competition 1. IntroductionInorder to facilitate the interaction among the Chinese students, scholars andengineers in the Netherlandsand promote table tennis activities, the CIH, VCWI and ACSSNL is going to holdthe “Confucius Cup” table tennis friendly competition in Eindhoven for all overseas Chinese in the Netherlandson 11th April 2010. It will be a magnificent event for all Chinese peoplein the Netherlands.Thisis the first time that three associations cooperate to hold the national event.We would like to provide overseas Chinese an opportunity to communicate witheach other at a sporting occasion. Besides, we do believe that such event will consolidateof the status of the national sport of table tennis, bridge three organizersand overseas Chinese in the Netherlandsand attract more and more attention of overseas Chinese to the futureactivities. 1.2 IntroductionWehave learnt a lot from the VCWI table tennis invitation match which wassuccessfully held before. On the basis of that, we have made some improvements.First of all, we have published the official websitehttp://confuciusinstituut.nl/cn/to introduce the preparation of the competition and madeposters for recruiting. The registration E-mail address is: confuciuscup@gmail.com. Secondly, wehave invited some Dutch media to help us propagandize the competition, such asVolkkrant and Dagblad. Thirdly, in ordertocollect enough information for each team, we have added some ranking matches,also to ensure that every participant enjoys the game. In addition, we aregoing to use this opportunity to standardize the preparation for future sportsactivities. 1.3 Organizational CommitteeTheorganizational committee is composed of the representative of CIH, VCWI andACSSNL. Details are shown below:Consultant:Luo Ping, Zhang Xiaodong (Education Section of Chinese Embassy)ChiefPlanner: Zhou Jiajuan (CIH)Chair:Yang Zongquan (VCWI)SecretaryGeneral: Xiang Fei (ACSSNL)Member:Guan Yuxin (VCWI), Yu Miao (ACSSNL), Chang Qing (VCWI), Qu Zuopeng (VCWI), QianCheng (VCWI)2. Registration Deadline andRequirements2.1 Registration Deadline 2.2 Registration Requirements 1. The team should haveat least three players and five players at most, including one female playerdue to the synchronicity of some matches. 2.Due to the limitation of the time, if the number ofteam exceeds expectations, some adjustment will be done by organizational committee. 3.This activity is mainly sponsored by CIH, VCWI andACSSNL, the major objective group is the overseas Chinese in the Netherlands.Therefore, please first take the interest of local Chinese people intoconsideration first. Foreigners are also allowed to join in this activity whenthe above requirements are obeyed. 4. For those brancheswhich cannot guarantee enough players, please feel free to contact theorganizational committee. We will try our best to help you form a united team. 5. All the registrationfor the competition can only be fulfilled through the local branches. We areappreciated of the interest of local table tennis teams. But we suggested youto contact your branches for formal registration. The subsequent notificationswill only be issued to each local branch. 3. Schedule and Rules 3.1 Schedule11:00-17:00,April 11, 2010 (Sunday) 3.2 LocationEindhoven Technology University Sports Center, Hall 1 There will be: male single,female single, male (or mixed) double. 1). All the 16 teams (provisional) will be divided into two levels:Level A is semi-professional, Level B is afterhours. Each section consists of twogroups. In total, there will be four groups. Each group has four teams. 2). Each team determineits own level via the registration by itself, and the group will be determinedvia on-site ballot. 3). Each team willparticipate round-robin tournament in the group. The best two teams who havegot the highest scores in the group round will be upgraded into the eliminationround (final four). The other two teams will participate in the ranking round. 4). Within the same level,the best team in the group will play against the second best ones in the othergroup. The winner will be upgraded into final. The loser will participate inbronze final. 5). Within the samelevel, the third and fourth teams in the group will play against the third andfourth teams in the other groups. The rank of the teams will be determined viathe cross round-robin tournament in the same level with different group 1). Each match is 11-pointscored and required to finish within 20 minutes. In case of dogfall (evenscores), the final score depends on the sum of all matches. 2). The order of thematches depends on the team registration and is to be announced after Match 22. ConfuciusInstitutes (CIH), Verenigingvan Chinese Wetenschappers en Ingenieurs in Nederland(VCWI) Associationof Chinese Students and Scholars in the Netherlands (ACSSNL) |