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如题,请问莱顿有那些比较好的生物制药公司,可以申请实习或者工作么?有什么申请的好途经? 请求大家帮忙.


db7LUMC  见习海盗  2010-3-10 16:03:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

回复 1# KC4 的帖子

The buildings behind LUMC are filled with multiple Biotech or Pharm companies. Further away, there is the Bio Sci Park, full of Bio Companies or institutes as well.  (http://www.crucell.com/ just as an example)

The best way to obtain a position is apply through connection, or at least through your institute. Or otherwise you can always email/call them directly.

good luck
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