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Dear students,

Language exchange is an extracurricular activity, which means you have autonomy to decide whether you want to do it.
For Chinese Beginners Course, each Dutch student will be assigned two or three Chinese native speakers to help him/her review the course content and learn Chinese culture and language. There is no fixed form of doing language exchange. The purpose is NON-commercial and you cannot ask each other money for exchanging languages. The first step for you, as being a Chinese native speaker, is to reply an e-mail of Dutch students you are assigned. Then you can arrange the first meeting to see who matches you best. Then you can move on to the next meetings. During language exchange, you can help Dutch students Chinese and they help you English or Dutch. They are highly motivated to learn Chinese. Language exchange can be very relaxed that you learn from chatting and doing something together.
If you want to do LE, please send me an e-mail with your real name, student number, UVT e-mail address, and the name of your major/subject. Then I will put you in the list.

With regards,
Amy Hsiao (Chinese Teacher at Language Centre)
E-mail: y.p.hsiao@uvt.nl
Ya-Ping (Amy) Hsiao
Docent Chinees
Overige Talen
Universiteit van Tilburg

Tel.: 013-466-3033
E-mail: Y.P.Hsiao@uvt.nl
Working day: Monday

请有兴趣的同学发邮件联系Amy老师, 谢谢


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