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mikezhang  中级海盗  2004-6-6 09:21:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
several Chinese students already applied this program.

a new contacting information is following:

addmission officer: Ms. Marrieke Farchi


mikezhang  中级海盗  2004-6-13 09:47:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰

you have to make a decison on you own for your future.

whether this program will be in english or not depends on the applications from oversea studnets. as I know, two Chinese students will apply for it fore sure and they are pareparing the entry exam.

as to the tuition fee, I am not sure and  You really better to contact them.

这一年直不值得 重新来过: more importantly, this is not about one year again or more , it is about the path for you whole life, your future professiona nd your way of thinking. you life should be totally different because it is a really specialised field like enginieering.

it is hard so maybe you need more time to finish it than what you do now

you should contact them a.s.a.p

knowing more and early information will help you to make a decision.

[color=red]addmission officer: Ms. Marrieke Farchi


mikezhang  中级海盗  2004-6-13 09:48:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
this is for 我爱狗狗,something wrong with mailbox in gogodutch
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