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Dear Sir/Madam,
I am a student in Netherlands with a Chinese nationality.
I am  planning to fly back to China from Amsterdam via Munich, on 5th of December.
But my residence permit in Netherlands will be only valid until 1st of December.

So I would like to ask you whether I need a visa to enter Germany in this case, and I will stay in the ariport during the transfer.
If I need a visa, where can I get the visa? What kind of ducuments do I need to offer? How much does it cost?

I called several times the number 020 574 7700, it seemed very busy, none of the calls got through.
So I am sending this email.

Thanks for your consideration.

Kind Regards


Dear  Li,
You must apply for a transit-visa in the German consulate in Amsterdam. You must come personally during office hours and bring with you
1. your national passport
2. your residence-permit (MVV/visa) for the Netherlands
3. ticket back to your home-country
4. papers about your journey- and health-insurances
5. letter from foreign-office that you leave the Netherlands
6. 60,-- Euro fees
7. 4 passport-pictures (biometric-size - you can make them in the Consulate and you need for 8,-- Euro coins).
From all documents and papers you must bring 2 copys .
Please phone me to make an appointment.

Sincerely yours
P. Zwartyes

Visastelle des Generalkonsulats der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Honthorststraat 36-38, 1071 DG Amsterdam
Postbus 75500,  1070 AM Amsterdam

Tel.: (0031 20) 574 77 06
Fax: (0031 20) 676 69 51

Öffnungszeiten: MO - FR von 8.30 bis 11.30 Uhr
E-mail-Auskünfte sind rechtlich unverbindlich


lvxinxin  中级海盗  2009-11-19 16:20:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
操, 抢钱啊, 60欧的话加上还要去阿姆的火车票,就不用专门跑德国坐飞机了吧...

机票买的好的话, 从阿姆直飞往返也就不过400欧多点啊...
Mach  高级海盗  2009-11-20 11:15:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
如果你的新ID已经在申请过程中了的话,可以去申请一个荷兰的return visa,应该就能过境了。
li055  初上贼船  2009-11-20 17:20:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
       我想问一下,你说的ID过期是在12月5号。荷兰政府在ID过期之后允许待28天的规定, 是不是只是针对在荷兰境内呀?        我正在考虑想订从Amsterdam起飞,然后从法兰克福转机回国的机票,但是我的ID是在2009年12月3号过期. 我是想问你,你是已经办了德国大使馆回复的那些手续了吗?办的过程怎样呢?         谢谢!
li055  初上贼船  2009-11-20 18:00:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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