由于女友要转学,于是决定换房,在7月底通知了房东后,今年9月底, 我们正式从S搬了出来...
房东在看完一遍房子后说"it's not very clean, but clean enough" (有一个细节:房东问我女朋友怎么能把地板擦得如此干净)
之后又查了apartment里的其他东西,最后发现少了一个枕头(毫无舒适感可言),一面镜子(IKEA最便宜的那种),一块嵌在门上的玻璃(60cm * 40cm),墙上有一块茶渍.
The apartment is still very dirty,and cleaning of the apartment took 2 persons 12 hours. It still is not completely clean;
Some things had to be replaced because they were so dirty they could not be cleand. Other things were broke because of bad maintenancew when you lived there.
我就郁闷了...之前自己她自己说的clean enough难道等于very dirty ?! 还有,房子内的物品自动老损也能算在我头上?!
退一万步讲,就算她说的这些理由我全部接受, 那900欧也不可能全部用完啊?!
我回信去反驳她,问她如何解释"it‘s not very clean,but clean enough"
(original sentence)
The apartment as you left it was definitely not clean and not in good order ;
And you have broken the lease. The agreement was for one year from March 1st 2009 until March 31st 2010. You left the apartment befor October.1.2009;Two cleaning ladies spent 12 hours each (!!) to clean the apartment, and it still is not clean enough to rerent. The cleaning costs 10 euro an hour a person. That makes a total of 240 euro only for cleaning. For example: there was dust in every corner, like you have not vacuum cleaned for a year;
The sink in the bathroom had to be replaced because of bad maintenance. A new sink costs 129 euro;
Besides paying for the cleaning and repairing of the apartment, you have to pay for water, electricity and gas.The bill of the water company is 20 euro a month. That makes 140 euro for 7 months. The bill for gas and electricity for a year is 2196,05 euro. Your share is only for 7 months, so that is 1281,03 euro. The total costs are 140 + 1281,03 = 1421,03 euro. You already paid 875 euro with your monthly advance payment of 125 euro. So you still have to pay 546 euro for effective costs of water, gas and electricity.
All together the costs are:
240 euro for cleaning the apartment
300 euro for replacing broken, missing and too dirty items
129 euro for a new sink
546 euro for the effectively costs of water, gas and electricity
1215 euro total
The costs of 1215 euro minus the bale of 900 euro = 315 euro. You can deposit the 315 euro to account number 6316078 M.Landsbergen at Amsterdam.
我就搞不懂她怎么就能这么不要脸的食言...前面说clean enough,现在又说definitely not clean这不是自己扇自己耳光吗?!
接着说,clean enough的房子,请了2个清洁女工花了24小时...结果房子变成not clean enough to rerent ...那这清洁公司还真挺牛X的...
换了水槽也要我付钱?! 这不是日常老损吗?!
请各位DX出出主意,改如何应对这种恶毒的黑心房东!谢谢 |