2009年度中荷生命科学论坛 荷兰华人生命科学网是旨在推动中国荷兰生命科学合作的信息交流,加强荷兰华人生命科学工作者之间的联系的一个协会组织。自2003年协会成立以来,每年一届的中荷生命科学论坛为荷兰华人生命科学研究者提供了一个了解中荷科技合作动态,掌握政策法规,增强友谊的平台。2009年度中荷生命科学论坛将于11月5-6号在荷兰格罗宁根大学医学中心举行。本届论坛将暨建国60周年,格罗宁根建校395周年之际,回顾和展望中荷生命科学领域的合作项目,将包含三个议题。
(1) 衰老;
议题三:中荷科技合作成就 (海报)
Dutch-Chinese Life-Sciences Forum 2009 The Chinese network of life-sciences in the Netherlands (CNLN) aims to provide a platform to strengthen the exchange of scientific research between China and the Netherlands. It also promotes scientific and social communications among Chinese life-science researchers in the Netherlands. Since 2003, CNLN has organized annual forums to discuss different topics not only relevant to the research but also to the researchers. In 2009, the annual meeting will be held on 5-6 November at the University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG). It will focus on the joint research programs between China and the Netherlands. The program consists of three specific sessions:
Session 1: Research hotspots in China and the Netherlands
This session aims to provide a perspective view of research and development at life sciences in China and the Netherlands. This session will summarize the joint projects and inspire new projects by sharing the research hotspots between China and the Netherlands. It covers three major topics:
(1) Ageing
(2) Health and nutrition
(3) Cultural differences in scientific research.
Session 2: Funding channels for research programs
This session aims to provide practical information about the financial sources for joint research/training programs. The sources include national Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), etc.
Session 3: The achievement of current joint programs (posters)
This session aims to provide an overview of the achievements that have been obtained in current joint programs or by Chinese researchers working in the Netherlands.
2009年11月5-6号 荷兰格罗宁根大学医学中心
[ 本帖最后由 Kingsong 于 2009-10-28 19:52 编辑 ] |