Post by blacksoil;261610
关于荷兰的税收,在如下网站有权威介绍(可以下载 Taxation in Netherlands 2003 PDF文档):
我把大家最关心的income tax的部分贴出来:
The income tax payable is the aggregate amount of the tax on the taxable income in the three boxes. The income of the resident taxpayers is reduced by the amount of personal taxallowances. The personal allowances comprise costs that affect the financial capacity of the taxpayer personally and his family. (按我的理解,就是你如果要抚养子女,养活老婆,这部分收入就不会被征税。不知对否?:))
Tax rate for income from work and home:
32.90% on the first 15,883 euro
38.40% on the next 12,967 euro
42% on the next 20,614 euro
52% on the surplus
The information above is too old.
2008年的收入税率 :
(这 33.6% 中包括 2.45% 的税和 31.15% 的社会保险)
(这 41.85% 中包括 10.70% 的税和 31.15% 的社会保险)
(这 42% 和 52% 中全部是税)
Addition to above, everyone has the right to a general credit on the tax owed, which is EUR 2,074 per year.
(这 2074 欧是所有具有社会福利号的人都可以享受的免税;没工作的博士博士后配偶拿到的就是这笔钱)
If those who have a job, you can get an additional credit of up to EUR 1.443 per year.
(这1443 欧是有工作的人可以享受的额外免税(上限)) |