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lack  四海霸王  2004-2-26 09:19:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
starrysky  见习海盗  2004-2-27 16:25:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰


The ‘Rijkswet op het Nederlanderschap’ covers all relevant regulations regarding obtaining and losing Dutch citizenship. Dutch citizenship can be obtained in the following ways;

1、through birth: if one of the parents is a Dutch national at the time of birth of the baby;
2、through birth: in the case that both parents are foreign nationals, the grandmother of the baby (either on the mother or the father's side) was residing in the Netherlands, Aruba or the Dutch Antilles at the time of the birth of the parent, and at the time of the birth of the baby, the parent who is related to aforementioned grandmother is living in the Netherlands, Aruba or the Dutch Antilles.
3、through recognition (‘erkenning’) or through ascertaining fatherhood by a Dutch national through the courts (‘'gerechtelijke vaststelling van het vaderschap’);
4、through option ( ‘optie’), a provision for certain individuals born in Aruba or the Dutch Antilles;
5、through adoption of an underage child in the Netherlands or abroad by a Dutch couple;
6、through naturalisation.

根据第一、二条关于出生入籍的条款,由于父母国籍的限制,这些条款将不适用于你的孩子。很遗憾 :(


我又查看了目前有关上述第六条(through naturalisation)的内容,相关主题是option conditions.

Option conditions

For this procedure you must always be in possession of a valid residence permit from the time of your birth in the Netherlands, or from the point you were permitted to enter the Netherlands. This means that you must always have applied for an extension before your permit expired.

In a number of cases you can become a Dutch national by completing an option statement. This is a quick and easy way of obtaining Dutch nationality. You can make use of this system if you satisfy one of the following conditions:

1、You were born in the Netherlands;
2、You were born in the Netherlands and are stateless;
3、You are of age and have resided in the Netherlands since the age of 4;
4、You are a former Dutch national and have resided in the Netherlands for at least one year (please refer to Former Dutch nationals);
5、You have been married to a Dutch man or woman for at least three years and have been a resident in the Netherlands for at least 15 years continuously;
6、You are 65 or above and have been a resident of the Netherlands for 15 years continuously.

In certain circumstances, children under the age of 18, having been cared for and brought up by at least one Dutch parent for a period of 3 years, may also be eligible for option. For further information, please contact the local council.

If you want your child under the age of 18 to be part of the option, you must give his or her name on the option statement

近来由于外侨的不断涌入,还有欧盟东扩等因素,荷兰正逐步修改诸多work permit, resident policy方面的法规、条理。但其指导思想是保护本国劳工,加大对外侨的甄选和进入的限制,所以没有理由今年这个option condition 反而更宽松。其中应该还有解释的问题。因此,我建议google最直接有效的办法是去local council咨询;或者向他们索取有关资料。或者给IND写信询问。(不过别指望两周内有答复)http://www.immigratiedienst.nl/page.asp?pageID=8012&langID=1

starrysky  见习海盗  2004-2-27 17:29:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
Naturalisation, or naturalisatie in Dutch, is one of the ways to obtain the Dutch nationality and subsequently secure a Dutch passport. The conditions with regard to naturalisation are quite strict and the procedure as such is usually lengthy and quite costly.

The Dutch Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst (IND) stipulates the following conditions:
1、You are of age, in other words 18 or above. If you are under 18, you are deemed to be of age if you are married or have been married;
2、You have been legal resident in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles or Aruba for 5 years or more. "Legal" means that you are entitled to residence. There are a few exceptions to this rule, including the following: you are married to, the registered partner of, or are living with, a Dutch man or woman (both of you being unmarried). In that case, you can submit an application for naturalisation after 3 years of marriage and continuous cohabitation;
3、You have a residence permit for a non-temporary purpose, such as family reunification or paid employment. If you have a residence permit with a purpose of a temporary nature – for example, for study or medical treatment – you cannot be naturalised;
4、You are sufficiently integrated and can speak and understand the Dutch language. You must demonstrate this by taking a naturalisation test. If you have already successfully passed an integration test (NT2 level 2 or higher) or have a similar qualification, you do not need to take a naturalisation test. This also applies to people who are unable to take the test on account of a physical or mental disability.
5、Furthermore, as someone who is "integrated" it is not appropriate for you to be married to more than one man or woman simultaneously;
6、You have not received a prison sentence, training order, community service or large fine during the past 4 years.
You can start the naturalisation procedure through your local municipality at the Afdeling Burgerzaken office. A civil servant will assist you with filling out the mandatory paperwork.

If you meet all the aforementioned conditions, the following documents are required to start the naturalisation procedure:
a valid passport,
a valid residence permit,
a birth certificate, and
the naturalisation test certificate or comparable qualification.

You can apply for naturalisation on behalf of your children. Your spouse has to apply herself/himself.

Please note that if (one of) your child(ren) is aged 12 (or above), he/she must agree to the naturalisation application. He/she is required to sign the application and be present whilst the application is submitted. The civil servant will subsequently carry out an in-depth investigation and will draft a recommendation.

This recommendation can be negative or positive. The civil servant will then send the application file together with the recommendation to the IND. The IND will assess the entire file. If and when the applications are approved, a proposal will be sent to Queen Beatrix. She has to sign the proposal. With her signature you will become Dutch nationals.

Starting the first of January 2004, the costs related to naturalisation are as follows:

Costs naturalisation test (naturalisatietoets)

part 1: EUR  90
part 2: EUR 165

Costs naturalisation application (naturalisatieaanvraag)

single application low fee: EUR  229
single application high fee: EUR 344
combined application low fee: EUR  322
combined application high fee: EUR 437  

This column is for informative purposes only, is general in nature, and is not intended to be a substitute for competent legal and professional advice. Dutch rules and regulations regarding foreigners, policy, procedures, work permits, visas, and residence permits are continuously subject to change.

Patrick R. Rovers,
lawyer with Van Velzen CS

7 January 2004
providencer  中级海盗  2004-3-5 12:26:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
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