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Dear future lawers, I am now seeking your help from your expertise:

Due to visa problem, I was late for my program for a month, so I had bad performance in my first quarter exams, I failed 4 exams. According to the student regulation, I attended a defense meeting to present my argument as other 9 students did. And I explained to the Academic Council about my case. But I was shocked by the final result that I would be excluded from the program!

This is ridiculous because I did not take the resit yet! And even more amazing, some students who failed 5 exams could stay! Including me, the other 2 students are all asian, while the students who can stay mostly are Dutch and westerners. And the school did not notify anything to me about the return of my tuition fee. I felt extremely unfair! The Board simply give me the judgement that I could not improve myself any more. How could they draw that conclusion without giving me a chance to resit?!

I was really irritated. I am seeking a solution by law, but I really don't know too much about the procedure and expences in the Netherlands and I am not sure if I sue my school, how would the possibility be of winning the case, so future lawyers , please give me guidance and help !!!


lemonyou  高级海盗  2004-2-4 14:56:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
we wanna help you,but i think all of us just know chinese law and what
we study here are not dutch law but international law,so for dutch law
and procedure,we know nothing as you!

i am very sorry!
zhou  初上贼船  2004-2-4 15:39:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
alexandero  四海霸王  2004-2-4 15:45:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 荷兰
I am not talking about my plan for what is to be next but I think this is not fair. There are so many students failed exams that only 6 students passed all the exams. The school should be responsible for their bad performance in this case. They have bias or discrimination when treating asian students. And why do they make dicisions before giving me another chance?
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