荷乐网下载手机App | 客服热线:0031(0)104133904
Dear Mr
We hereby give you the uppertunity to pay the outstanding balance of Eur
483,87  before 31-07-2009.
If this amount is not in our possession before this date, we shall pass
this matter to a debt-recovert agent without further notification.
Any costs related to this, as well as the statutory interest shall be
charged to you.

We assume that this is not your intention and therefore we look forward to
your prompt remittance.

We kindly request you to transfer this amount to our bank account with Rabobank Nederland in Utrecht, Swiftcode RABONL2U
mentioning your reference number 55290.

If you should find any discrepancies, please return the account statement
with you comments to our Account Receivable Department.

In case you have already paid the premium, we request you to consider this
letter as unwritten.

In the meantime we remain, with kind regards,
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