faxed proof of the bank transfer to the visa payment as required for the “short visa procedure” to TU Delft (c/o International Office, fax + ...
faxed proof of the bank transfer to the visa payment as required for the “short visa procedure” to TU Delft (c/o International Office)。你需要出示汇款证明,但是只是申请你签证的费用。不是学费和生活费。
Stedin PETP这个奖学金貌似以前没有唉。看你给的文件应该差不多是全奖了。你这个文件的意思应该是第一年给你8600 + 700x12 + 1500。
approximately 1.500,-- to cover all initial settling in expenses:我觉得这个钱应该是覆盖签证费的,不确定~~你那435欧怎么知道的?
我也是看不大懂这个faxed proof of the bank transfer to the visa payment as required...到底指什么。你可以和楼上同学交流一下。最好下周再问TU搞清楚。