没有任何争执,他们只是拿你的护照去查,要耐心的等,然后告诉你交钱贴签证,没经历过的以为很危险,回头一看什么都不是。 埃及政府是靠旅游业赚外汇的,他们超喜欢游客,从满大街的旅游警察就能看出来你是上帝。
Non-Egyptian visitors arriving in Egypt are required to be in possession of a valid passport. Entry visas may be obtained from Egyptian Diplomatic and Consular Missions Abroad or from the Entry Visa Department at the Travel Documents, Immigration and Nationality Administration (TDINA). It is, however,possible for most tourists and visitors to obtain an entry visa at any of the Major Ports of Entry。
Citizens of the following countries are required to be in possession of a pre-arrival visa: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Chechnya, Croatia,Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, Lebanon, Macau, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldavia, Morocco, Pakistan, Palestine, The Philippines,Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Sri-Lanka, Tadzhikistan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and all African countries。
除了上面标出的国家需要预先获得签证外,其他的国家都可以落地签。 |