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Statement of Conditional Acceptance to a Master's Program at Eindhoven University of Technology

Dear XXX(TMO no. XXXXX),
The Head of the Education and Student Service Center at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), acting on behalf of the appropriate Department Board hereby declares that the Admissions Committee for the TU/e Master's program XXX has decided to grant CONDITIONAL ADMISSION to XXX, born 22 November 1985, in Jiangsu, China to the Master's program XXX at Eindhoven University of Technology.

The conditions of this admission are that the student must provide proof of the previous academic education in the form of:
- a Bachelor degree certificate or equivalent;
- an Academic Transcript.
Originals of these documents and, if the originals are in a language other than English, Dutch or German, an authenticated translation, must be presented to the International Relations Office on arrival in Eindhoven and before the student can be enrolled in a TU/e Master's program.

This decision takes into consideration:
- section 7.30a, subsection 3 in conjunction with section 9.15, subsection 1H, of the 1993 Higher Education and Research Act (HERA);
- the TU/e admission regulations for the Master's program based on section 7.31, subsection 2 in conjunction with section 9.5 of the HERA.

This two-year Master's program starts 31 August 2009. This proof of admission is valid for 18 months, as of the date that this email message was sent.

Eligible students will automatically enter the selection procedure for TU/e administered scholarships. The allocation of scholarships is ongoing, starting in October 2008 and continuing up to May 2009.

Practical information
Information on all the things you need to arrange before you leave your home country and during your first few days here can be found on our website www.tue.nl/masterprograms. You will find information on, among other things, the visa procedure, housing, the Master Intro/Summer Course, Tuition Fees, the TU/e Notebook computer, and the Meet and Greet service.

Visa requirements
If you require a visa to enter the Netherlands, it is a good idea to read at least this information on our website, so that you know which documents you will need to have acquired before we can arrange your visa for you. Please bear in mind that, if you are accepted to a TU/e Master's program, you will need a passport that is valid at least until October 2010 (due to the requirements for the residence permit).

Exact instructions on how to arrange all these aspects and, if relevant, news on the outcome of scholarships, will be communicated to you in May/June.

If you have any questions concerning this information, please don't hesitate to contact the International Relations Office (io@tue.nl). If you have any questions regarding the content of the TU/e Master's program, please get in touch with your contact person from the Master's program.

Congratulations on your admission and we look forward to meeting you!

On behalf of Eindhoven University of Technology,

Dr. Karen S. Ali
Education and Student Service Center/International Relations Office
Eindhoven University of Technology
PO Box 513
NL - 5600 MB Eindhoven
Tel +31-40-2478015
Email io@tue.nl

This is a formal decision and is accompanied by a digital cryptographic signature and therefore legally binding. The TU/e will not be sending a paper copy of this decision by post.
If you do not agree with this decision, please contract the International Relations Office. If after discussing this, you still do not agree with the decision, you may send a letter of appeal within a maximum of 4 weeks to the Examinations Appeals Board, Den Dolech 2, Postbus 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Only typed and motivated appeals, written in English and sent by post to the above-mentioned address are taken into consideration. Please accompany any appeal with a copy of this email message. Please be aware that it is not sufficient to send a statement in which you declare that you find the system of credential evaluation or the policy regarding the language requirements unjust or inequitable. Appeals with such statements will be declared unfounded by the Examinations Appeals Board.
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender. This message contains confidential information and is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

这是TU-e的有条件录取 ?说不会发纸质的啊 ~ 具体的后续准备的知道要5,6月才能知道 ~

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