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gonnahot  见习海盗  2009-4-2 08:21:55 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国北京
My name is XXXX, majoring in Transport. Now I’m still studying in XXXX University and will receive my bachelor’s degree in July 2008.

Based on my experience of informal summer practice, at Transport research Laboratory (TRL) in UK in 2005, I made a decision that I would like to study abroad after graduate from university. This practising experience not only broadened my academic vision but also made me understand well about my researching area. The advanced technology and research methods impressed me a lot, and made me determine to go on my further study in European universities.

While my practice in UK, there was a French senior student Reges who was doing his graduate research at TRL. For picking us up in airport, he was the first person whom I made the acquaintance of when I arrived in London. During the following days, I learned some typical French students’ characteristic from him: enthusiastic, hard-working, and excellent academic background. In our spare time, we chatted in English, and sometimes, he taught me French. I have heard that French is the most romantic language in the world, and he made me trust this opinion. Especially, his strong research capability impressed me most and I can recognize the high quality of advanced education in France, which showed from his working experience.

France is a highly developed country, which plays a leading role in many aspects, such as technology, economy, culture and arts, etc. Studying in France is my best choice for France has a special and complete advanced education system, combined with good teaching quality which ensures French diploma accepted all over the world.

I believe that through my hard-working, I will enrich my knowledge, enhance my expertise and sharpen my skills in the field of my favorite major. After completing my studies, I will return to my homeland, using the knowledge to make contribution on Sino-France communication and cooperation. I really appreciate your admission to my application.
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